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Thread: Scared of the 4/8

  1. #1
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    Default Scared of the 4/8

    So, I got this Sheffield silver-steel razor from my father that I sent out for honing and slight restoration work. I couldn't wait to give it a try when it got back as I had never shaved with a real shave ready razor before (about 20 shaves at that point with another of my fathers razors that I had been maintaining). Sliced my ear pretty good and nicks and cuts everywhere (turned out ok, went to a social event and probably looked dangerous). .
    About 80 shaves under my nose and wanted to try this blade again now I had a bit more experience. With a bit of trepidation I stropped the razor with linen and leather, prepped my face nicely, built up a rich lather and had a rough shave. Could only assume I'd messed up the edge earlier stropping it.
    Last night I pulled out the hones and put it on a series of Arkansas stones, crox pasted linen, leather.
    This morning I woke excited: going to finally get this slender blade to sing! Broke out a new soap (Saponificio Varsino, Manna di Sicilia!), my favorite brush and gave it a whirl.
    No longer scared of the 4/8th!!! Even tried the 'fools pass' after reading about it in a thread here (most of what I've learned about shaving with a straight I got from this forum).
    Even posted it in the Shave of the Day.
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    My rotation is now at 4; probably enough....
    Last edited by onimaru55; 06-04-2015 at 12:59 AM.

  2. #2
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Good work!

    The small blades have always been, for me, the tricky ones to shave with. I find my hands get in the way, angles go awry, bloodshed ensues - unless I am careful.

    Glad you will be able to use this one.

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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's true small razors can present issues but to me that means 3/8s and smaller. Those razors of course were never designed for whole face shaving. They were really trim pieces. The 4/8s is kind of the queer duck in the group. Many don't like them. Personally, I do. It's kind of like the sports car of razors. Small enough to be really maneuverable but still large enough so can keep a good grip on it. I have a Swedish 4/8s with Ivory Scales and it's one of my favorite razors.
    Phrank and Razorfaust like this.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Learned to shave with a straight razor with a pair of 4/8 razors. I am in the same camp as Jimbo and find they can be a bit tricky for the dame reasons. I do prefer slightly larger blades but now with some experience use the 4/8 size with no problems. Good to hear yours is working out for you as they do shave as well as the other sizes.

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  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Also, you need to be more careful when stropping a narrower blade. It is a lot easier for the blade to torque when the edge and spine are close together. For that reason it is also easier to roll the edge.

  6. #6
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    Glad to hear that it's working out for you. My only complaint with the 4/8 is that you have to rinse/wipe the blade more often.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    Yep. I have a single 4/8 in my four-razor rotation, and it keeps me on my toes, whether shaving, stropping, or honing. I feel like its special role is to bring that bit of challenge to my game.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Also, you need to be more careful when stropping a narrower blade. It is a lot easier for the blade to torque when the edge and spine are close together. For that reason it is also easier to roll the edge.
    I definitely ruined a perfectly good edge by mis-stropping. If it was easy I doubt it would be as much fun.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by deepweeds View Post
    Yep. I have a single 4/8 in my four-razor rotation, and it keeps me on my toes, whether shaving, stropping, or honing. I feel like its special role is to bring that bit of challenge to my game.
    deepweeds, only 4 razors in your rotation and you've been at this for a while. There is hope I can keep my collection modest!
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Matheus's Avatar
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    The blade I like the most, by far, is my 4/8 Helje MK 1. I have no other razor (MK 31s & 32, Caudano, Two different Tornbloms) that can deliver me a so perfect shaving experience. No blood, no rash, superior agility, and almost BBS in two passes. The little skinny thing and I share a nice fitness.
    Razorfaust likes this.

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