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Thread: Another Lesson Learned

  1. #1
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    Default Another Lesson Learned

    I started down this road toward a better quality shave last fall. As can be suspected, I have had many trials and tribulations but have overcome them all with patience and tenacity. More so the patience. I have on several occasions veered off track with a touch of RAD and dabbled in the world of DE razors. I have had fantastic shaves and road rash. I have made the mistake of dwelling on the perfect BBS shave when I really needed to just focus on getting through a one pass shave. I have put down my straight razors for months at a time because I just couldn't hone them to my liking and could not accept the defeat of another doing it for me. But I am still here.

    About a month ago I purchased a Muhle R41 head and a big fat Maggard MR8 handle and proceeded to enjoy the best shaves imaginable. After two weeks I was getting incredible BBS, nick free shaves that just could not be any better. But something is now missing. I'm bored with the ease and simplicity.

    So last night I picked up my Friodur and had my first straight razor shave in almost a month. It was a real eye opener! Probably the best straight shave I have had. WHY? I have pondered this and believe I have come to the conclusion that the R41 made me better with a straight razor. I find this interesting. After much consideration I have come to believe that the pure aggression of the R41 DE has forced me to improve my technique by just focusing on the shave itself. Remove the stropping, honing and time limitations that sometimes hamper us in our daily lives and just take the time to feel the razor remove the hair and improve with every shave.

    This might sound strange to many of you but it is something I feel I must share. I believe it is the simplicity that allowed me to focus on what needed to be improved.
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  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The R-41 is a very aggressive razor. As far as DE's go it's at the top of the heap in that department. I have one and I find I have to be really careful with it. I don't use it much because if I need to go slow with it I may just as well use a straight. However I see how it can help with using a straight by forcing you to focus on the shave.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    I like this approach.
    My own shaves have improved since I have slowed down & started to use the daily shave as a Zen type meditation.
    I also have noticed that I am more content to accept the shave result I get on the Day as well.
    Cheers Paul
    Geezer and stubbletown like this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    An R41 can definitely teach you about pressure, blade angle. and concentration.
    Slowing down also helps a lot too.
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  5. #5
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I was using a straight razor before trying the R41. I think the R41 still scares me more.

    Have fun.
    cubancigar2000 and SRNewb like this.

  6. #6
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    The Muhle R41 is the devil's razor.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

    engine46 (07-12-2015)

  8. #7
    Senior Member SRNewb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    I was using a straight razor before trying the R41. I think the R41 still scares me more.

    Have fun.
    LOL Lynn!
    I enjoy shaving with DEs, and there are a few that I have felt were aggressive, along with certain DE blades. But I have never felt that way about ANY straight. It seems an oxymoron, since there is no guard on a straight, just a bare, open blade. But a straight is the smoothest, most comfortable, face friendly shave I have ever experienced. Aggressive? Surely it can be, but I have never felt that while holding a straight to my face.
    As to relaxing and concentrating on technique, that is status quo for me, and the main reason I shave before bedtime instead of before the work day.

  9. #8
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    The key to a good safe shave with the R41 is very light pressure and a sharp blade. I believe the TS got better with his Razor shave because of learning just this: Use only as much pressure as necessary.

    My R41 was never really a threat to me. I use it when I'm in a hurry and even to shave more delicate areas of my body and am still complete. :-) Just learn what is important with it and you'll have a life long friendship.

    As the TS has said, I too find it boring to use just one tool. Switching around from Shavette, DE and Straight helps keep the fun of a morning shave alive.

    Best wishes,

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Hmmmmmm, I came to wish this guy a Happy Birthday & saw this discussion so I thought I would investigate. I have never tried a Muhle R41 but maybe one of these days I will get the chance to. I have a Gillette Fatboy & a vintage Merkur DE. When I do use them, I like the feather blades. I still prefer My straights though.
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  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    I was using a straight razor before trying the R41. I think the R41 still scares me more.

    Have fun.
    I believe I would have to agree with this statement Lynn. There are several factors here that I have considered in the last week since this post. I was forced to slow down or bleed. I could definitely feel the quality of my lather and adjust as needed. I felt that the angle required from the R41 was very obvious, removing a major factor from the shave and further allowing me to concentrate on direction and pressure. I am currently going back and forth between my straights and the R41 and learning a lot in the process. My next step is to get as close of a shave with my straights as with the R41.

    I would have never guessed that a DE razor could have made be a better straight razor shaver but it surely has.
    engine46 likes this.

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