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Thread: Changed my rotation daily to weekly

  1. #1
    Senior Member Wirm's Avatar
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    Default Changed my rotation daily to weekly

    When in the depths of my severe RAD I could not wait to hone and shave with the next new blade. Now that my RAD is in remission and I now know the grind (near wedge) and size (7/8 is my sweet spot) of blade I prefer , I decided to change my rotation from daily to weekly. The surprising result of this experiment is a marked improvement in the quality of my shave and a better understanding of how to get the best from each blade. Overcoming the urge to shave with a different razor each day can have positive results . They each have personalities and each requires a different approach in both honing and shaving. That can best be achieved when you spend a bit more time with each razor. What are your thoughts ?
    "It is easier keeping a razor honed than honing a razor."

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  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    This is the same I learned ,, I don't really have a "rotation". I have a couple I like to use on the weekend shave , and lately I've been using the same razor for a few months for my daily weekday shaves,, finding out how long I can go on the edge ,, still sharp and smooth and using the same one I have mastered that blade , I know I will always do this ,, pick one and use it for a few months. Good thread. Tc
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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I think I am ten shaves in a row on my Henckels 14 carbon steel. I may use it until the 21st or I may switch to the 17 in carbon steel. It is also my preferred way to rotate my razors. I also find my shaves are better if i use them for longer periods than one shave.
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  5. #4
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    So far with the Henckel 14 I've only used it 2 times and the 17 I've used it maybe 3. I really don't have a set rotation I try not to use the same razor in a week. now I only shave 2 maybe 3 times a week so even with my small collection it is a month or more before I get back to the same blade. I do like the 14 but as you stated the 17 handles quite well. I have been using straights exclusively since sometime in 2013 so I'm not as far into it as some. I still like trying deferent razors.
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  6. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Cannot get past a different blade every shave, but I can see what you are speaking of. Some, I want to try again next shave.
    Sometimes, I do!
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  7. #6
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Finding a blade that worked well for me an sticking with it for a few months was one of my biggest break through s in learning to shave with straights. Once I stopped jumping from one to another I improved big time.
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  8. #7
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollinCoal69 View Post
    Finding a blade that worked well for me an sticking with it for a few months was one of my biggest break through s in learning to shave with straights. Once I stopped jumping from one to another I improved big time.
    What fun is that?
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
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  9. #8
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    I also shave every other day usually. And tend to just pick one out of the rack. Variety being such a nice spice. If the edge isn't where it's supposed to be it goes in the hone que and I choose another.

    Only on vacation do I tend to use the same blade more than once in a week. But then again, on vacation shaving sometimes takes a hiatus.
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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wirm View Post
    When in the depths of my severe RAD I could not wait to hone and shave with the next new blade. Now that my RAD is in remission and I now know the grind (near wedge) and size (7/8 is my sweet spot) of blade I prefer , I decided to change my rotation from daily to weekly. The surprising result of this experiment is a marked improvement in the quality of my shave and a better understanding of how to get the best from each blade. Overcoming the urge to shave with a different razor each day can have positive results . They each have personalities and each requires a different approach in both honing and shaving. That can best be achieved when you spend a bit more time with each razor. What are your thoughts ?
    You have definitely peaked my interest with this idea. Although I know that each of my razors has a different feel and character I still tend to pick a different one every day. I intend to try this. maybe this will be my next big breakthrough.

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Tarkus's Avatar
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    I've always switched razors every Sunday and use that razor for the week. I like to get familiar with a razor for that week. However I do ride a razor sometimes for the second week if its a favorite or just a wicked shaver. I also been shaving every day as well so I get my moneys worth for the week.

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