View Poll Results: Do you rinse your face between passes?

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  • Yes I do

    38 64.41%
  • No I do not

    21 35.59%
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Thread: To rinse or not to rinse, that is my question.

  1. #11
    Member DocMartin0321's Avatar
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    As you can see, there are many ways to skin a cat (maybe not the best phrase to use for this subject matter).

    I personally rinse the blade under a stream of water always angling the toe down so the water runs away from the pivot. Once the vast majority of the lather/hair is rinsed away I wipe the blade dry with a very soft short nap microfiber. I can usually shave half of my face or neck before seeing the need to rinse the lather.

    After each pass, I set the razor on a small washcloth size folded up towel on the counter as far away from the sink as possible, then rinse my face (never tried not rinsing, but may experiment).

    After the shave, I strop 15 laps on cotton, then 30 laps on leather followed by an alcohol wipedown. The last step is wiping the pivot and between the scales with a folded piece of toilet paper before storing open in my razor/brush stand on the counter until the next shave. Overkill? Maybe, but I enjoy the ritual and have never had a problem with rust despite living 10 feet from saltwater here in FL.
    rhensley likes this.

  2. #12
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    I rinse my face between lathers. It helps remove leftover cream film, and gives me a clean start. The razor is placed down on a towel while I rinse. I also rinse my razor during shaving to clean it off. I am not afraid of getting my razor wet while wet-shaving. After the shave I dry the razor with some tissue paper, folding it to dry between the scales.

    This technique has been working for me for several years now with no problem.
    You can take the boy out of NY, but you can't take NY out of the boy.

  3. #13
    Aspiring Shaver gflight's Avatar
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    Great feedback thanks. I am going nuts waiting for Xmas and it will be tough doing only one area of my face at a time until I get proficient but I am committed to taking it slow. Seeing people cutting themselves and rust/cell rot threads is making me a little apprehensive while I wait.
    rolodave likes this.
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    rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal."

  4. #14
      Lynn's Avatar
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    If you ever get to St. Louis, look me up for some shaving and honing instruction.

    Happy Holidays,


  5. #15
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gflight View Post
    Great feedback thanks. I am going nuts waiting for Xmas and it will be tough doing only one area of my face at a time until I get proficient but I am committed to taking it slow. Seeing people cutting themselves and rust/cell rot threads is making me a little apprehensive while I wait.
    Never fear the shave. As your expertise grows you will marvel at how well you are shaving and how great you look.

    For fun make up lathers and apply them to your face. Then use a butter knife to pretend to shave while doing WTG according to your face map.

    Getting the lather making down will go a long way in your shaving knowledge growth.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Damo's Avatar
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    I tend to find, as a person with sensitive skin, that the after care that I get from a soap is better if I don't rinse in between passes. If I have a large amount of dry soap then I may gently wipe my face with a hot damp flannel, but it's all voodoo really. You will find over time what does and doesn't suit your face
    jmercer likes this.

  7. #17
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gflight View Post
    Great feedback thanks. I am going nuts waiting for Xmas and it will be tough doing only one area of my face at a time until I get proficient but I am committed to taking it slow. Seeing people cutting themselves and rust/cell rot threads is making me a little apprehensive while I wait.
    Waiting can cause cell rot.
    jmercer likes this.
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  8. #18
    Aspiring Shaver gflight's Avatar
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    No Doubt...
    jmercer likes this.
    "When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound,
    rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal."

  9. #19
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damo View Post
    I tend to find, as a person with sensitive skin, that the after care that I get from a soap is better if I don't rinse in between passes. If I have a large amount of dry soap then I may gently wipe my face with a hot damp flannel, but it's all voodoo really. You will find over time what does and doesn't suit your face
    Same for me. I like to leave all that goodness on my sensitive skin till I'm ready for alum. For me the dry soap re-hydrates with application of fresh lather. As my lather making improves and my shaving skills improve I having less dry lather.
    Shave the Lather...

  10. #20
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    If you ever get to St. Louis, look me up for some shaving and honing instruction.

    Happy Holidays,

    If you want your very best opportunity for a great start, take Lynn up on his offer.
    jmercer and gflight like this.

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