So I've been shaving with a straight and or shavette for about two months now. For the last month with a straight exclusively. I've been working at honing my own razors, stropping etc, and I think its starting to come together.

I purchased a "Trusteel" razor on the cheap in very good condition. Took it to my Norton 4/8, and went thru my honing progression. Inspected my bevel with a loop, and was satisfied with what I saw. To the strop for 50 round trip strokes. This morning I used Crabtree and Evelyn sandalwood shave cream. What a great creamy lather! Lots of cushion and felt slick.

Anyway, I came away with one of my best shaves so far. A bit of irritation on my neck, but I've always been prone to that.

I think I did a pretty good job on my bevel set and honing progression. Not sure that I'm 100% of the way there yet - But I feel like I'm getting close to a shave ready honed razor. Time and experience will tell. But I think the change to the shave cream helped too.

Thanks everyone for all your input and assistance!