Hello all,

just got my 4 razors back in the mail with their brand new professionally honed edge, compliments of one Roy Davis aka cudarunner.

They were purchased because I just don't like a full hollow and these were quarter ground and one full wedge, 5/8s through 8/8ths.

Just got done with the Fredericks 6/8ths and not only does the English language lack a word to serve justice to this edge, but Russian and Spanish lack one too.

Best experience shaving in 4 months, hands down. From sending them out to getting them today Roy was just phenomenal. Outstanding communication.

I dropped them at the post office 7 days ago today. In that time Roy managed to put a killer edge on 4 ebay problems, clean them up, and have me shaving today. He lives in Washington state and I'm in new jersey btw.

Not enough can be said for a professionally honed edge for a new straight shaver and not enough can be said for the level of effort and attention that is offered by this excellent member of this great community. I couldn't believe how much fun I had shaving today and I wish you all an edge to give you joy.

Thank you Mr cudarunner for a suberb shave and quality kindness.