
Are you a neat or messy shaver?

Is your lather controlled on your face so that it covers only the areas to be shaved? Are your brush handle and hand dry and not covered with lather? Do you then wipe off the excess lather with your free hand as you shave so that by the end of the pass no lather remains anywhere on your face?

Well, this is part of my daily ritual, something I have done for a long time. It sounds anal, I know, but what the hell, I like things neat and organized. As I shave a specific area, my free hand, after stretching the skin, removes the excess lather left behind by the blade, in and around the shaved area. By the end of the pass, all the lather has been removed from my Hollywood face.

On the other hand, does the lather on your face drip down your neck and onto your shirt? Do you have lather all over your ears? In your nostrils? Are your brush handle and hand covered in lather? I would call that messy. Not that there is anything wrong with being a messy shaver. What matters is a close and comfortable shave.

I don't know, with all problems in the world, one could say who care about neat or messy shaving. Good point. But I was taking a break from writing and thought I should put my time to good use.