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Thread: How many SRs do you have in your regular rotation?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Whizbang's Avatar
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    Default How many SRs do you have in your regular rotation?

    Simple question: "How many SRs do you have in your regular rotation?"

    I own about 25 SRs, but only use 5 in my regular rotation. I often wonder if there would be some benefit to only using one regular razor...and learn all its subtle qualities. Hmmm...have to give that one some thought!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Two Manhattan Cutlery 6/8
    One Gilchrist 6/8
    One Geo. Wostenholm 6/8
    One Ralf Aust 5/8
    One Puma 5/8
    One Dovo 6/8
    One DORKO 4/8

  3. #3
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    I have thirty at the moment, non collectibles, mostly moderns and a few vintage ones. I used them all.

    I keep an Excel spreadsheet with the razor's information and the last date used. I update the sheet as I use them.

  4. #4
    Senior Member JTmke's Avatar
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    2 Dovos
    2 Thiers Issards
    2 Filarmonicas
    2 Henckels
    2 Wackers
    2 Ralph Austs
    2 Revisors
    2 Heljestrand (set)
    7 German made Hill of Truefitt and fame (set)
    Joseph Rodgers
    LE Grelot

    I know I am lost for a few. I have 35 ish razors 18 to 20 in active rotation
    Last edited by JTmke; 08-26-2016 at 09:09 PM.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whizbang View Post
    Simple question: "How many SRs do you have in your regular rotation?"

    I own about 25 SRs, but only use 5 in my regular rotation. I often wonder if there would be some benefit to only using one regular razor...and learn all its subtle qualities. Hmmm...have to give that one some thought!
    I have around 32, but am just now starting to get a rotation going, I have a few Landers Frary & Clarks and 3 or 4 W.H. Morley & Sons. I do have a nice "Challege Cutlery: razor that's nice to shave with. I also shaved the other day with my Imperial 20507 German straight razor with 2 men on a double bicycle etched on it, nice and smooth it was.
    I have none of this new stuff and only have 2 or 3 that cost me more than $30.00. Most are between $20.00 to $30.00.
    Last edited by THORandODIN; 08-26-2016 at 09:38 PM.
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  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have around 100. I have around 30 Ducks which I don't use but rarely and have probably 30 that are my go to razors.The others sit lonely.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Pretty much no rotation, I shave with one razor 6 days a week, and I use a razor on Sunday as a special shave and it could be one of 7-8 razors. The one razor I use all the time holds up pretty good without taking breaks. To be honest I love all my razors but I could have just had 2. Now I do have a brush rotation, I like the brush part of the straight shave as much as anything. Tc
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  8. #8
    Previously lost, now "Pasturized" kaptain_zero's Avatar
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    I OWN about 30ish + razors, I only use about 2 or 3 on a regular basis, most often just one.

    If I get a razor shaving just the way I like it, I tend to use that razor alone (See... my darling little Clauss, [Pssst... I love you!]), but that only lasts until I bump it off the edge of the tub and bork the edge.... then I reach for some other razor that's *close* to being good, and work on it until I get it great..... then I start fixing the borked razor. (Yes, my little dearest Clauss... we're going shaving again.... soon!)

    I like a lot of razors, but when push comes to shove.... 5/8ths to 6/8ths square point (neutered spikes) half to full hollow ground (I HATE those paper thin bellied jobs, but I probably own 8 or so) seem to fit me to a T.

    So the bottom line is that I do NOT have a rotation of razors, I never did when I shaved with DE razors either, ditto for creams, soaps and brushes.... I just use what I like and I'll switch it up when I *feel* like it. I am slave to no calender or clock....


    Kaptain "Independent" Zero
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  9. #9
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Three straights, a Kamisori, and A Gem Ever Ready single edge (of some sort) cover the five days a week that I shave.

    I rotate the three straights out for fresh horses every couple of months or when the mood strikes. Not sure how many are down there under the cabinet
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    I ain't shaved in nearly 2 years, but I have 2 Robert Williams, a Wade and Butcher, a Boker and a Dovo. I could use the Boker extra hollow exclusively the rest of my life, even if I shaved on a weekly basis. I find the extra hollows so easy to keep sharp.
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