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Thread: Ever wonder how long an edge lasts after honing?

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Ever wonder how long an edge lasts after honing?

    As the title asks I have been wondering this for a good bit now. Normally I use a different straight razor daily and it takes about 2 months to go through my rotation. I really had no idea because of that.

    Looking for a more definitive answer for myself I decided to use a lovely vintage G&F Timor razor that I got on the 18 Jan. I honed it up and it has been in continuous use since. Who would have thought that after 3 weeks of daily use the edge does not seem to have deteriorated. I conclude that the G&F razor is capable of taking and holding an edge and my pre shave stropping routine is no so bad after all. Colour me happy and am continuing with the experiment.

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  2. #2
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    I've been checking off how many shaves I get from a honing too Bob. My 8/8 Koraat made 16 shaves on Ulrik's edge before I refreshed it on my translucent Arkie. Today my Isaac Diller made nine shaves on Outback Mike's edge and it still shaves like a dream. I think Mike used an Escher. My record so far is my 7/8 Wosty with 18 shaves on my coticule edge.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I have a maintenance routine that has me making 3-6 laps on a naniwa 12k every 14 days or there about, and I,m talking ultra light not even any water on it. But I have a razor that I,m using as an experiment that only sees a strop. Has 70 shaves the on it. only linen a leaded strop and clean leather I,m convinced technique and prep goes a long way in keeping an edge sharp, my wire beard only hurts an edge when I get careless and start scraping. Tc
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Default was a Escher, Benz. Then a leaded strop, and lots O leather, like Tc.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    My finisher is 12K Naniwa followed by 20 laps on a crox sprayed hanging felt strop, 40 on English/flax linen and 80-100 laps on shell cordovan leather. Before each shave I used to do 10 laps on the crox sprayed hanging felt strop, 40 on linen and 80-100 on leather. For a week now I have been doing the linen and leather first and the crox last. I am leaning towards using the crox last working a little better. May also put the crox last after the finisher next time I hone a razor.

    Everyone has a different pre shave stropping routine that works for them. Too many variable involved to say everyone's edge should last X amount of days/shaves. Just doing this little experiment to see how I'd do.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  6. #6
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I'm keeping track on a log sheet, but my rotation is all of them. I just check the log and find one that has few shaves on it and use that one. I figure I should be good for a few years before I find one starting to drop off in performance. Now, I do find one now and then that I didn't' get a good honing on so it goes back to the hones and the count starts over. But for now, I think I'm in the teens.
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post was a Escher, Benz. Then a leaded strop, and lots O leather, like Tc.
    I agree with you and Tc. Spare the rod spoil the child, spare the strop spoil the razor.
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  8. #8
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I'm sure someone will gloat over this thread as his gold dollar shaving videos probably number over a hundred by now, "cuz awl that mattas is thu edge and thu honah and a gold dolla is as good as any other razuh."
    Last edited by Utopian; 02-10-2018 at 10:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I guess I,m not as educated as that Chod. So I'll just use my razors and technique. I would get a lot more shaves out of a razor than the 2 weeks, but glen got me doing maintenance instead of letting it get diminished. The blades aren't dull but it keeps them the same every shave, and 2-3 laps on a dry Nani ain't doing much. The razor that I've been testing is my old stand by Kinfolks, holds an edge for a long time anyway. Marty sent me a sailcloth Cbn impregnated to use, I do 10 on it before shaving,mother I use my linen after the shave and a few on leather. So far after 70 or so shaves it hasn't needed a stone yet, and it's a laser when it comes to shaving. Tc
    gssixgun, caccia, BobH and 2 others like this.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Bob with your routine and your stropping abilities you could probably go indefinitely, like mine stoo with the Cbn, those European guys live by the loaded strop and don't use a stone that much. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

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