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Thread: Ever wonder how long an edge lasts after honing?

  1. #31
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rfcjr View Post
    Wow im only getting 10 or less n my gold dollar number 1 are they really that bad. Ive been doing 50 to 60 laps on suede and the same on the leather its a new strop and im new to world of strait razors. The leather side is not smooth almost looks like a leather granit kind of grainy and verry stiff.
    Could be the razor, could be your stropping or both. Looking on the bright side, your stropping will improve.
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  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rfcjr View Post
    Wow im only getting 10 or less n my gold dollar number 1 are they really that bad. Ive been doing 50 to 60 laps on suede and the same on the leather its a new strop and im new to world of strait razors. The leather side is not smooth almost looks like a leather granit kind of grainy and verry stiff.
    I think you may have a few things going against you getting more than 10 shaves from your Gold Dollar razor. From your join date I take it that you are brand new to shaving with a straight razor. If that is the case poor shaving and stropping technique may be some of the problem. Also the Gold Dollar has a very poor reputation wrt variable quality of the steel and tempering. If the steel and/or tempering is poor in a razor they will not hold an edge long regardless. Any or all of those issues may be the reasons for your problem.

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  3. #33
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rfcjr View Post
    Wow im only getting 10 or less n my gold dollar number 1 are they really that bad. Ive been doing 50 to 60 laps on suede and the same on the leather its a new strop and im new to world of strait razors. The leather side is not smooth almost looks like a leather granit kind of grainy and verry stiff.
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  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Plus your honing abilities, a properly set bevel and hone job will last longer than a sub par honing. But after a hundred or so shaves you will be able to judge your technique and stropping abilities, which also take time, there us no quick fix for those items, and without starting stupid crap that will come about the razor is at best a conversation piece, as a knife maker i would have thought you know your only as good as your tools. Tc
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  5. #35
    JP5 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    That is why I do not use a high power microscope, I'm assuming that is what those photos are from, because I do not want to scare the crap out of myself while honing. Even if I can see a tiny divot in the bevel with a low mag loupe the blade will likely shave well.

    Yeah, people were maintaining razors for centuries before having a loupe or microscope to examine the edge was a thing.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    Interesting thread. When I first started researching straight razors, I read that an experienced user will have to hone their razor every 2-3 months with everyday use. The price of honing being a concern from me. When I found the price of honing was $25, I jumped into straights.

    I have since purchased a finishing hone and keep my edges going, while still sending my razors to a professional for an initial hone. I am using a puck of vintage Williams this month from start to finish and for amusement/research I decided to use the same razor. I freshened up the edge on my Fili DT 13 on my Jnat. So far I am 13 shaves in and the results are being felt. It is not as sharp as it used to be. After reading this thread I assume my results are not unusual. Granted my honing skills leave much to be desired, but I can get an edge sharper and more comfortable.

    Maybe the initial hope of getting 60+ shaves was far fetched?
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  7. #37
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    I like most usually have to put a razor to the hone way before its time. Its kind of a mania with us to max edges out and go for that perfect shave as much as possible. At one point I let a few razors go for a while without refresh or paste or anything to see what it really requires from a minimum maintenance effort. I have about 25 razors right now and I probably use the same 5 regularly. Dovo 6/8 was about 20-30 shaves before it became slightly unpleasant, Henckels 472 50-60 shaves no problem. W Greaves amazing shaver 60 at least. TI AOS model pain in the but to hone right but once you got it it seems to go forever 80 plus it never quits. I also have a little solingen with the stamp Edel Stahl on the side and is also a very good shaver in the realm of 60 shaves. Any of these blades could go longer but there is a point where you have to either work harder or do more passes to get the same shave which is outside the realm of normal use and performance so those numbers are about average for the brands for me at least. cant say with any precision what any of this means because although I focused on the razors longevity they were honed on different media at one time or another, so there is that. I guess I can say that average most blades can shave well for 2-3 months if cared for some will do better.
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  8. #38
    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    I like most usually have to put a razor to the hone way before its time. Its kind of a mania with us to max edges out and go for that perfect shave as much as possible. At one point I let a few razors go for a while without refresh or paste or anything to see what it really requires from a minimum maintenance effort. I have about 25 razors right now and I probably use the same 5 regularly. Dovo 6/8 was about 20-30 shaves before it became slightly unpleasant, Henckels 472 50-60 shaves no problem. W Greaves amazing shaver 60 at least. TI AOS model pain in the but to hone right but once you got it it seems to go forever 80 plus it never quits. I also have a little solingen with the stamp Edel Stahl on the side and is also a very good shaver in the realm of 60 shaves. Any of these blades could go longer but there is a point where you have to either work harder or do more passes to get the same shave which is outside the realm of normal use and performance so those numbers are about average for the brands for me at least. cant say with any precision what any of this means because although I focused on the razors longevity they were honed on different media at one time or another, so there is that. I guess I can say that average most blades can shave well for 2-3 months if cared for some will do better.

    So you are saying its my honing skills?

  9. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by azgabe View Post
    Maybe the initial hope of getting 60+ shaves was far fetched?
    No I do not think it far fetched. Just give it time and experience in honing and stropping. You'll get there eventually.

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  10. #40
    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    I can get good results from my hone, but not as good as a professional. I have only put my razors to the hone about 5 times total. I think I am doing pretty good considering the blade shaves comfortably when I am done.

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