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Thread: Ever wonder how long an edge lasts after honing?

  1. #61
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    For me, and keep in mind I only shave about twice a week and have a heavy, high carbon steel wire like red beard that would turn Gillet Mach 2's into a comb after 2 shaves, I hone every 4-5 shave, depending on the razor. The only factory razor I use is a Gold Dollar and while it works well after I re did the edge, I only get a couple shaves before I need to lightly hone. I have one I made from 1084 and 15&20 damascus and it's my favorite, get about 4-5 shaves before I give it a hone. The best one I have for edge holding is one I forged from 52100, upwards of 10 shaves before needing a hone, but it's the first razor I made and somewhat ungainly in design and shape, so I don't use it much. The Gold Dollar is very thin and would likely hold up better if I was using it every day or two. The one with the simple high carbon steel is my favorite mainly due to shape and how well it handles my heavy beard, but I'm planing on making another with a 52100 blade just to compare. The hone angle I believe is around 15 deg. From research I've basically come to a 1/4 to 1 ratio, if the blade is 1" wide, it should have about a 1/4" thick spine to give the correct hone angle and is working well so far.

    As an aside, I haven't shaved with a conventional razor in going on two years now. It's a little more trouble, but I don't get razor bumps or irritation like I use to, and frankly after figuring out the basics have cut myself less than with conventional razors, especially the old safety razors.
    Last edited by will52100; 05-12-2018 at 03:59 AM.
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  2. #62
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    For your wiry beard try putting a hamaguriba edge on your razors, after your finishing hone add one layer of tape and do a few laps on your finishing hone. You are not trying to create a secondary bevel just trying to convex the edge.
    Tim Zowada and Iwasaki San have used this method to create a stronger, longer lasting edge.

     Hide's Export  : Iwasaki and Jnats (part 3)

    Worth a try.

  3. #63
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    Thanks, I'll give that a try. I normally put a slight convex edge on my knives, but haven't tried it on my razors yet.

  4. #64
    Senior Member Papabear11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    As the title asks I have been wondering this for a good bit now. Normally I use a different straight razor daily and it takes about 2 months to go through my rotation. I really had no idea because of that. I

    Looking for a more definitive answer for myself I decided to use a lovely vintage G&F Timor razor that I got on the 18 Jan. I honed it up and it has been in continuous use since. Who would have thought that after 3 weeks of daily use the edge does not seem to have deteriorated. I conclude that the G&F razor is capable of taking and holding an edge and my pre shave stropping routine is no so bad after all. Colour me happy and am continuing with the experiment.

    I have to say to my experience that it depend on the straight. I have 10 straights and they’re all different, my maitainance routine is clear as soon one of them start to pull or drag just a tiny bit it’s time for me to refresh. So it’s kind of difficult for me to tell but it’s true that some straight tend to hold a edge longer.

  5. #65
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    I'm on shave #45 with a Cape Swedish Steel razor, using only a 3-piece Kanoyama strop, no pastes.

    Cheers, Steve
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  6. #66
    Member Zemke's Avatar
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    My first 2 razors(Dovo) are 6 years old and I have not rehoned on stones just refresh on CroOx with a paddle every 10 shaves. That works out to every 2.5 months for me.
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  7. #67
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    I tuned up all the razors in my current rotation which is 8 razors a few days ago and I put it on the calendar and I’m tracking how many shaves I get without honing. About every 6 or seven shaves with a razor I do 6 laps on a Crx treated fabric before going to the leather. Otherwise I do 50 laps on a 3” wide English Bridle Leather Strop.

    Stropping technique is EVERYTHING when it comes to maintaining your edge.
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  8. #68
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Well, I completed shave #53 this morning with the Cape Swedish Steel, and while it isn't as smooth as freshly honed, the end results are the same, close comfortable, and no irritation. Using on;y a Kanoyama 3-piece strop, no pastes.

    Cheers, Steve

  9. #69
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    Technique with the leather is everything.

  10. #70
    Senior Member Doc226's Avatar
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    I once used a vintage TI for 135 shaves, kept it going with only clean leather.
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