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Thread: Last night's great shave!

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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Last night's great shave!

    Last night's shave went very, very well! My left cheek is extremely smooth, which is strange since I am right handed. I must have nailed the upstroke (against grain stroke).

    No cuts either. Neck is a bit elusive still, as my hair grows left to right on my neck and that's a hard stroke to get down (at least for me).

    My GF LOVES it that I am now so excited to shave. She hates beards and would get upset that I hadn't shaved for weeks. Now I look forward to each chance to shave.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Shave her legs with a straight. She will love it more.
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    I might do that bouschie......only problem with her is she lives 12,000 miles away so we don't see each other very often. Like my preferences in shaving methods, my preferences in women are not common either.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    might be time to get a girlfriend close to home too. never hurts to have a spare Tc
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  5. #5
    JP5 is offline
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    Sounds great! I'm starting to use a straight more regularly so I'm getting more comfortable. A mentor did some work on a few of my blades and that got me more motivated to use my straights. I can't get super close shaving WTG, but I'm getting a much more comfortable shave from my straights than I used to. Less pressure and passes was what I needed.

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    And so will you !

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    A GF on the side stateside is a tempting idea but I cannot get over the thought of it being "cheating." I rather wish she was into girls a bit herself but no, she's as straight as our razors!

    JP5, I am getting very close shaves with my straight razor and have been since I started. The last shave the left cheek was so smooth it was like all the hair had been removed!

    No way to know what you are missing but are you shaving against the grain? How is your shave angle? I'm still too new at this to guess people's problems but I did give up on other shaving tools so I could exclusively shave with a straight 2 to 3 times a week.

    I'm due to shave tonight and it is something I actually look forward to doing.
    Last edited by AnglesMatter; 04-25-2018 at 07:31 PM.

  8. #8
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    I feel the exact same way @AnglesMatter. I am only a couple of months into straights, but man am I loving it. I can't believe how close my shaves are. I am usually bbs a good 12 hours after a shave. That is better than my DE razors could do.

    My neck hair also grows left to right, so I just settle for CCS on the neck. I also have a hard time with the hollow recesses on either side of my windpipe. Still figuring out the stretching and craning of the neck to avoid irritation.
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    What is a CCS?

    What's a DE?

    What are we going to do with our necks???? LOL I keep trying to get an angled up or down stroke going that will be sufficiently "across" to go against the grain there.

    I shaved just about an hour ago and it went very well. I did better on my chin and once again, the left cheek is very, very smooth. My neck is good except for one small patch no one could see but I can feel. I may try and touch it up later or let it go till I shave again.

    I was telling my GF just now all the things I wish I had started sooner and along with how I "wish I had met her 10 years ago" I also wish I had started with a straight when I was a teenager.

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