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Thread: New blade choices

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default New blade choices

    So been at it over a month and love it. Currently using a 5/8 round. Already looking at my next razor. I am deeply curious on thoughts for size and tip. Looking for different enough to notice a big change so definitely a 6/8 or 7/8 can't settle on tip shape. Any thoughts? I struggle a bit cleaning around upper lip near nose and around ears. Any thoughts are helpful. I'll most likely be picking the cutter up at the same shop I got my last one. If you want an idea of what is available. Cost not really an issue right second blade is my goal.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    A rounded square tip in 6/8 or 7/8 warrants your consideration, especially if the higher prices of bigger blades won't totally drain your wallet. In general, select a tip that holds the most appeal for you.

    As for your "struggle," be patient, you've only been at this sport for a month. Most say around 100 straight razor shaves are needed to build up the necessary motor skills and muscle memory. You will learn the growth patterns on your face and consequently the strokes that are most effective. My lips were also a problem area early on for me that disappeared with improved skills and familiarity.

    Have fun shopping for you second razor!
    Last edited by Speedster; 05-06-2018 at 03:35 PM.
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  3. #3
    bcw is offline
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    Perhaps you would benefit from staying with a rounded tip, and move up to a 6/8. If you are having issues with your upper lip/nose area and your ears, you will not be happy if you sustain damage to either area with a spike point or some relative thereof. Your plastic surgeon could be expensive, and you could be the recipient of some "I told you so's", or such would be the case at my house. Just my $.02.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    What changes my shave experience more that the tip shape is the grind of the blade. If I use a near wedge, 1/4 hollow, half hollow, full hollow, extra hollow or bellied hollow the shave experience changes. I also have shaved with various widths. I have found what seems to be my sweet spot and often choose the same group of razors. Finding your sweet spot can be challenging because there is simply so much to choose from. I did buy a lot of razors. Many of them were a repeat and just different brands. Most brands are very similar, and I am speaking of vintage blades from known regions and not including any discount modern razors. In an attempt to save you from following my path, let me state the following errors I believe I made. Being good with one blade and truly knowing your face and technique goes a long way in finding your sweet spot. More razors do not make your shave better. Nothing replaces practise. Having said that I also have to state, I have had a lot of fun buying and selling razors and have enjoyed that aspect too. It’s multi faceted and as long as you are having fun and getting great shaves, it think you are doing it right.
    BobH and M14Shooter like this.
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