Quote Originally Posted by AnglesMatter View Post
After a cartridge or electric shave, I would usually get a line of whiteheads on my neck. Since beginning straight razor shaving 6 weeks ago, I have not had the first whitehead anywhere on face or neck!

I assume this is due to the straight razor blade being so clean. There is no place for debris (whiskers, soap, water, dead skin) to collect and I wipe my blade down with a towel and coat in oil after each shave. I wish I had shaved this way all my adult life!

Anyone else have the same experience?
Has anything else changed? For example, are you now using an alcohol based aftershave? I mean wet shaving by its nature is more "caring." Your brush exfoliates, as can your straight. The soaps nurture if they are any good, and the aftershaves close everything up afterward like a good safe at the bank! Woot.

Shaving certainly never gave me whiteheads, I think, but the whole process sure cleaned me up and according to my wife - makes me look younger.