Quote Originally Posted by Valthorenzoe View Post
Thank you,

yes I intend to get it honed, however I'm in Australia in Queensland I'm still in the process of trying to find someone that will hand hone it. The razor already feels pretty sharp, and I'm wondering how it will come up after just being put on a strop..
I don't understand how a strop works? if you get the razor honed, what use is putting on the strop?

Thanks for the advice
Welcome from SE Washington State USA.

While being down under may seem to have a disadvantage you are in luck as Oz is also down under and does an excellent job with straight razors including honing.

You can send him a PM (Personal Message) here:


As has been mentioned the 70% alcohol is better as it does take longer to evaporate/thus killing more 'bugs' in the process.