I did exactly what you are contemplating: I bought a feather in order to learn how to shave with a st8 and not have to deal with honing and stropping. I acquired a reasonable level of proficiency in about a month, but I wasn't exactly delighted with the whole experience so I decided to try a real st8.

I got a TI that Lynn had honed. What a difference! On my first attempt I got a far more comfortable shave with better results. And the bonus is that the st8 is soooo much more foregiving. My feather now sits in a drawer gathering dust. I had originally planned to use it as a travel razor; however, I haven't done so--just a st8 and a paddle strop for traveling.

Stropping is a relatively easy skill to acquire. Honeing is another story. It took me several months and a half dozen ebay razors to actually get to where I can make a razor shave ready. (And they still aren't what I would call ideal.)

While you are learning, you can get a Tony Miller pasted strop. It will keep a professionally honed razor going for many months.

So, my advice would be to forget about the feather and get a professionally honed st8. Save the money--you'll need it if you decide to continue with this method of depilation! (And this advice is worth every cent you paid for it.)
