I had to add, since I mentioned my grandfather;

He would have been SHOCKED if he knew about a community like this that labors over honing and soaps and stropping and accessories for shaving. He had ONE straight razor (a Solingen that I still have) and one well-worn strop and one rather well used barber hone. A basin, a mirror and ivory soap. Yep. He'd shave off a few strips from an ivory soap bar from his bathroom sink and whip that up in an old mug with an old brush to a lather. Nothing fancy. Actually, very Spartan.

I suspect if he did have a Gold Dollar, he'd make it last his whole life and that would be it. He was a product of the great depression. One razor, hand soap from the bathroom, a mirror and a styptic pencil at his kitchen table. That was the extent of his shaving den. How times have changed for his grandson.