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Thread: Shaving with a Straight Razor at the Gym or Athletic Club - Lots of open mouth stares

  1. #1
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Default Shaving with a Straight Razor at the Gym or Athletic Club - Lots of open mouth stares

    I was thinking this afternoon about all the times I'd shave with my straight razor at my Athletic Club.

    I used to work out almost daily at a private Athletic Club when I was into Endurance Sports competition, and of course always showered at the club. They have a large multi sink grooming area near the showers with Clubman aftershave and disposable razors. I would stand there in my towel, lather up and open my straight razor to wide eyes and open mouth stares. Like, "Are You Crazy?" kind of stares. It was actually fun.

    Some members would be inquisitive enough to ask me why in the world I was shaving with a cut throat razor and if I had a death wish. Others were more serious and wanted to know how I learned to shave with a straight razor. Most just stared and then went back to their locker and told others that then strolled up to the grooming area to see this crazy member shaving with a straight razor.

    Most members would shave in the steam room with a disposable razor they got in the grooming area, but I scoffed at that and did the full-on straight razor shave for all to see.

    I don't think I converted anyone. But I can tell you I certainly attracted a great deal of attention. I miss those days. Lots of fun indeed.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The only oh wow I have ever seen when it comes to shaving was at a hot springs there was an older gentleman shaving by grasping a DE blade between his fingers. That was impressive, for the most part it’s just grooming. Tool of choice doesn’t matter as long as you are happy with your shave.
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    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    The only oh wow I have ever seen when it comes to shaving was at a hot springs there was an older gentleman shaving by grasping a DE blade between his fingers. That was impressive, for the most part it’s just grooming. Tool of choice doesn’t matter as long as you are happy with your shave.
    True enough RD. However, to many, straight razors belong in the same catagory as Jazz and Horses and Buggies. All relics of the past. So it is highly unusual for them to actually see someone shaving with a straight razor in public. Especially in the 21st century. And when they do, their paridigm of a straight razor is usually not reality. They think that it is a blood-letting device, not a tool to remove wiskers efficiently and comfortably.
    BanjoTom and STF like this.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

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    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The gold standard since 1879. Before that it was the only way to shave. Then the French company Rapide patented the first safety razor. There has been a lot of down hill since. Everyone trying to make it faster with less learning curve.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZipZop View Post
    True enough RD. However, to many, straight razors belong in the same catagory as Jazz and Horses and Buggies. All relics of the past. So it is highly unusual for them to actually see someone shaving with a straight razor in public. Especially in the 21st century. And when they do, their paridigm of a straight razor is usually not reality. They think that it is a blood-letting device, not a tool to remove wiskers efficiently and comfortably.
    It's a great tool for removing whiskers as you say, but it has been used as an efficient blood letting tool as well.
    Or maybe I wath too much TV
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    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    I was in a Wallgreens Drug store looking at shaving supplies today. This was probably the first time that I have looked at shaving supplies in a chain drug store in over 10 years. I buy online and have since about 2010. Two observations;

    1.) The price of disposable razors has gone through the freaking roof, on the way to the moon. The cost of shaving accessories and grooming supplies has followed close behind on the inflation front, like it was hitched to the cost of the razors.

    2.) There is slim pickins compared to what I remember 10 or 12 years ago. There was roughly 1/2 of the amount of shaving cream, aftershave and grooming supplies compared to the past. And what they did have, they had a sparse supply. I could only find one or two of each item on the shelf. Some spots were bare.

    This makes me glad I have a huge stock of grooming accessories, razors and blades. I was going to sell about 1/2 of my supply just to liquidate and make room. After what I saw today, I'm keeping what I have.
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    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

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    Since you do your shopping online that is a good example of why a brick and mortor store doesn't dedicate the shelf space.

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    Sort of off topic but not!

    Today I bought a chain saw. I saw the prices at the local store were within a few dollars of the big box stores.

    When I got it home I had trouble starting it. But when I went back they had no trouble replacing it and proving the next one started.

    I have no problem paying a few extra to my local shop and having great customer service!

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    I do get supporting you local stores, I do.

    Where I live there isn't really local stores unless you're talking about Walmart or Canadian Tire.

    Most of what I buy isn't available locally, anything shave related (except goop and cartridges) so I get all my shaving stuff online.

    I do still support Canadian business though, most of my soap etc comes from an online retailer in St Catherines, Ontario.

    I use Amazon for things I can't find easily elswhere.
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    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Most of the items sold on Amazon are actually from small businesses.

    The variety of items on Amazon is far past what any small or large business carries in inventory.
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