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01-29-2023, 09:44 PM #1
Here a surprisingly newbie question
I have a goat n stache
So I never had to shave my top lip or chin
Today i shaved it off
I did it with an open comb se
I have a a few grazes were i went over the same place to many times
Obviously i need to use my straight next time
I guess I need some advice on how to do my chin , to my bottom lip and my top lip starting under my nose with a straight
I cant believe i need shaving advice again but this is some thing i have never had to do and it seems really daunting
I shave it or i regrow it and Ive already had the ear bashing fro swmbo so I really don't want to regrow and let her think she won- - Steve
You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example