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Thread: Here a surprisingly newbie question

  1. #1
    STF is offline
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    Default Here a surprisingly newbie question

    I have a goat n stache

    So I never had to shave my top lip or chin

    Today i shaved it off

    I did it with an open comb se

    I have a a few grazes were i went over the same place to many times

    Obviously i need to use my straight next time

    I guess I need some advice on how to do my chin , to my bottom lip and my top lip starting under my nose with a straight

    I cant believe i need shaving advice again but this is some thing i have never had to do and it seems really daunting

    I shave it or i regrow it and Ive already had the ear bashing fro swmbo so I really don't want to regrow and let her think she won
    - - Steve

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  2. #2
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    I have a goat and stash too.
    I have shaved the goat many times but I hate the feeling of the stash being gone. ITS HERE TO STAY!!

    Many use a two handed aproach for the chin to lower lip. Holding the razor steady and moving the face to get that spot.
    You can do it one handed like anywhere else though, just practice.
    The stash coming from under nose down - first pass, coming at it from the sides for XTG then two handed for the upper lip to nose - similar to the chin area for Against the grain.
    Two hands for under the nose against the grain is helpful in retaining the nose apparently

  3. #3
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Ah yes. ATG under the nose. I seem to remember it called a the fool's pass?
    I never shaved either myself with a straight. I figure it best to use clippers on the first pass?
    Let us know how it goes, Steve...
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    The chin I do WTG then XTG, ATG under and up to the point and over the jawbone on the side but no further. Bottom lip is WTG, XTG then ATG. Mustache I have had since I was 17 so I wouldn't have a clue about that.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    My routine is.
    Upper lip I do one pass from nose down. One pass up.
    Chin one pass cross from one side then the other. Second pass up. At tip of chin short strokes up. Finish with third pass from lower lip down.

  6. #6
    STF is offline
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    I reckon this is gonna need some practice

    I have to go to the dentist on Tuesday so they will spend time looking at my embarrassing mess lol.I can feel some pink lather coming on

    How do you do the nose down bouschie, the angle sounds wrong if the razor starts flat against my nose.
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I use the tip of the blade and forget about angles. I start with the razor at a 90° angle to the face and again short strokes. Make sure lather is moist as the spiciness helps.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member yondermountain91's Avatar
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    I don't cut myself often these days, but when I do make a careless mistake, it's usually right under my nose that gets the nick. I hate that I'm even gonna mention his name on this forum. But Dr. Matt has a lot of shaving videos, and his shaving technique is pretty flawless IMHO. Wouldn't recommend some of his honing practices myself, but the shaving technique is what you'd be interested in any who. Watching how other people managed the razor for certain areas has really helped me in the past. Hope this helps.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Your a brave man, Steve.

    I've shaved the chin countless times, stache only once, and never again. I'm more worried of what the wife might cut off, if I did.

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by yondermountain91 View Post
    I don't cut myself often these days, but when I do make a careless mistake, it's usually right under my nose that gets the nick. I hate that I'm even gonna mention his name on this forum. But Dr. Matt has a lot of shaving videos, and his shaving technique is pretty flawless IMHO. Wouldn't recommend some of his honing practices myself, but the shaving technique is what you'd be interested in any who. Watching how other people managed the razor for certain areas has really helped me in the past. Hope this helps.
    I agree with Laramie. You can argue with what he says about honing and correcting blades, but I think his shaving technique is very informative.
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