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Thread: A cool straight razor shave

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    I can do it that fast. I just generally don't. If I'm in a hurry I will normally use a DE not because of the shave time but the stropping pre and post shave and the drying the blade and scales part. The actual shave part is about the same.
    U really take wet shaving to heart, Paul.

  2. #12
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    I've watched it several times.
    Something struck me as odd so watched it over a few times
    He goes right down on his right side and doesn't breech the chin line at all in the middle or his left side.
    Sorry, doesn't happen.
    Maybe he doesn't grow hair there, who knows but he certainly isn't shaving it.
    I would typically take about 15 minutes to set up, shave and clean up.
    If I need to be quicker, I can easily do that. Years and years of straight use make it second nature. I never have to find a substitute for a straight to expedite things.
    Last edited by stoneandstrop; Today at 08:48 PM.
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