I had my first showstopper today. I had just finished touching up the Dorko, stropped and started shaving. First WTG pass on my right cheek, brilliant. Crazy smooth crazy sharp. All signs pointed to the beginning of a remarkable shave.

Finish up right side, switch hands, go to first WTG pass on my right cheek and SLIIIIIICE. A little to much sweep instead of stroke with some not-very-careful skin stretching and I wind up with a clean 3/4" slice on the cheek, with a lovely 1/16" flap of skin. The blood starts coming out. My first thought? "Dammit...I'm not going to get to do more than one pass".

After I contained the bloodletting (no styptic was going to stop this one), I went through about three bandaids before I could keep one work presentable. So today I'm walking around the office with a bandaid on my face wondering, how i'm going to manage tomorrow's shave.