Once you've been using the straight for a while you won't be able to go back to the DE. The last time I used my DE, I was on vacation and didn't want the bother of the accessories for a straight, I got burn. Bad burn. The shave felt good, and it was close enough, but the burn damn that never used to happen when I was a DE shaver.

I order to get the same effortless shave that Merkur chunk of lead give you there are a lot more parts that have to come together in the straight shave. You have to have a well honed blade, you have to strop it well, and your shaving technique has to be spot on. It takes some skill to get there but it is worth it. You will also find that as these things come together your shave will get faster too, to the point where you wil wonder how you ever thought straight shaving was slower than using your DE.