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  1. #1
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Default Question for the Ladies, Leg Shaving with a Str8

    A friend of ours, a woman in her middle 50's has asked about leg shaving with a straight. She would like to buy a razor from me but I'm not absolutely sure on how to advise her on what size and point style. Do any ladies associated with SRP use a str8 to shave their legs? My wife uses a DE and AOS women's cream and brush and loves it. Ok guys, this is a legit question.

  2. #2
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    IANAW (I am not a woman) but leg hair is softer than face hair. Cause it's her first straight, I'd say go a round point, possibly something a bit bigger than normally recommended for newbies (say 7/8 or 13/16) so that she has more "bulk" behind the razor.

    Aside from that.. no other ideas..

  3. #3
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keljian View Post
    IANAW (I am not a woman) but leg hair is softer than face hair. Cause it's her first straight, I'd say go a round point, possibly something a bit bigger than normally recommended for newbies (say 7/8 or 13/16) so that she has more "bulk" behind the razor.

    Aside from that.. no other ideas..

    Was thinking of probably a dwarf as it would be less intimidating. I the round point is for sure. I was also thinking 4/8 as it might make turning the corners a bit easier.

    Any ideas folks?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenrup View Post
    Was thinking of probably a dwarf as it would be less intimidating. I the round point is for sure. I was also thinking 4/8 as it might make turning the corners a bit easier.

    Any ideas folks?
    Smaller razors are good, but a bit of heft makes each pass easier. Long strokes are necessary for leg shaving too. not so much turning corners, it is not as if you're shaving a face or anything :P

  5. #5
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenrup View Post
    Do any ladies associated with SRP use a str8 to shave their legs?
    YesSheDoes! mentioned that she was shaving her legs a while back... you might try contacting her.

  6. #6
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    round point wedge or 1/2 hollow in 3/8 to 5/8 would likely serve best for legs.
    I would absolutely not recommend a spike.
    A shorter razor might be good as well, think of what you might use for detail work around your nose and ears. If you have a razor that isn't a spike and works great in those tight areas, it would probably serve for legs, pits, and those other sensitive areas women like to shave.

  7. #7
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    I asked the very same question a few months back, but because I have three daughters!

    The general consensus was positive, but the biggest concern was general safety. Since most ladies shave their legs in the shower or tub, the scales would get slippery. If they would be willing to adjust their routine to shave just after (vice during) their shower/bath then all should be fine.

    I have an old Morley I am going to re-scale and hone up for my oldest since she has expressed an interest in learning and giving it a try. Since I have no boys, that's the closest I'll ever get (until a grand-son I guess)!



  8. #8
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMC_SS_LDO View Post
    I asked the very same question a few months back, but because I have three daughters!

    The general consensus was positive, but the biggest concern was general safety. Since most ladies shave their legs in the shower or tub, the scales would get slippery. If they would be willing to adjust their routine to shave just after (vice during) their shower/bath then all should be fine.

    I have an old Morley I am going to re-scale and hone up for my oldest since she has expressed an interest in learning and giving it a try. Since I have no boys, that's the closest I'll ever get (until a grand-son I guess)!


    I remember the thread but I didn't remember the out come. The safety issue is one thing I mentioned. This all got started when her daughter and she visited the Art of Shaving here in San Antonio. The women's shave cream jumped up and grab her. Consequently I believe she will be keeping the razor dry. I set my wife up with the AOS cream,brush and a long handled DE from Tryphon. She loves it so she takes her time with her legs. Anyway, I've snagged a Dovo round point 9/16 that looks great. I think it will do her very well.

  9. #9
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenrup View Post
    Was thinking of probably a dwarf as it would be less intimidating. I the round point is for sure. I was also thinking 4/8 as it might make turning the corners a bit easier.

    Any ideas folks?
    Whilst having no experience with this whatsoever, I would still be an advocate of recommending a smaller blade 3/8 or 4/8 as it will be easier to manouvre.

    Prob go with a 3/8 if you have one/source one.

  10. #10
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Given that there are no noses or ears in the neighborhood, I don't really see any benefit to the leg shaver being a round point. I think a spike is perfectly adequate for the job.

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