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Thread: Interesting perspective...

  1. #1
    Senior Member Storyvillenight's Avatar
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    Default Interesting perspective...

    ...from a retailer of shaving kit. I got my first straight from here some years back and, personally, have never looked back. I wonder if it's true that most customers give up after a few shaves with a straight?
    Last edited by Storyvillenight; 09-20-2017 at 05:37 PM.
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  2. #2
    Silky Smooth
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    It's likely true. One has to try things to see if they are agreeable, but with that comes the possibility that it isn't. And shaving with a straight razor can take time before the benefits are enjoyed. Many - probably most of us here are those who perservered.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Judging by the number of posters here that are wondering why they are getting lousy shaves within a short time of buying a straight razor, I don't doubt what the link is saying one bit. Men just don't do enough research into how long it takes to get a good shave using a straight razor or what it takes to maintain them shaving sharp. It is the reason men flocked to the Gillette DE in the first place. Easier, cheaper and in most cases just as good or at the very least good enough.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    If I had realized the shavette style razors were available, I would have likely started there. DE razors scare the pants off me, so I did not want to go there. I get terrible irritation from multi blade, so I needed something different.
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  5. #5
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I agree with everything said.
    For me personally, I was told I'd cut my throat and it was not a good idea. So being the stubborn man that I am who never gives up, I jumped in with both feet and kept swimming.
    What the hell does the wife know anyway.
    kelbro, RezDog, JOB15 and 5 others like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    Read the article. He's right, of course. I'm sure we've all noticed by the various questions asked by beginners here at SRP just how little reading, research the new guy has done. I came to straight razor shaving direct from cartridges. No DEs, no shavettes. I was looking for a hobby in the truck, saw Lynn's videos, one lead to another, then other posters at YouTube, and I was hooked. I never looked back. Now I've got all these razors, stones, brushes, soon more strops, and I'm happier than a pig in slop. I only wish, wonder why I didn't pick up this fabulous hobby 20-30 years ago. Okay, I'll just live till I'm 100 and enjoy the next 40 years of straight razor shaving.
    Hirlau, JOB15, tintin and 3 others like this.
    A little advice: Don't impede an 80,000 lbs. 18 wheeler tanker carrying hazardous chemicals.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Chugach68's Avatar
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    I know of some that tried and failed because they bought a razor shaped object instead of a quality new or vintage razor. I also know of some that did get a good razor but it just sits because they decided that they are not comfortable with putting a sharp blade to their neck. I guess if they don't trust their own hand holding a sharp blade to their neck it is probably a good idea not to try lol. Maybe their wife was trying to get them into straight razors after upping their life insurance???
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  8. #8 JOB15's Avatar
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    Personally I loved my 5 bladed vibrating wonder that gave me about 3 shaves per blade.
    Then my older brother bought me a DE against my will.
    After slicing my face too bits I studied up and learnt how to use it.
    The same with straights, he bought me a Dovo from Taylor's against my will.
    Hence I now do all his honing for free

  9. #9
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    Well, im not surprised and would probably have done the same thing if it wasnt for all the great feedback and tips I got from the "local" wetshaving fb group. Im usually a guy that goes bananas over one thing over a short period of time. Then I give up and there I am with loads of stuffs.

    This time I started out with DE, wasnt satisfied. Put it in a drawer for a year. Bought a new one after that year. Found out that it was a DE better suited for me. Got some others. And then got introduced into Straight razors, And im only like 10-15 shave in. But its getting better and better. And all the reading here has helped me understand more about the shaving skills.

    Soo thanks to a great community Im still into wetshaving and will continue to be soo. Im not sure if Im gonna choose between straight or safetym but if i chose Ill go straight.


  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    I think it's as true now as it was when SRs were the only way to shave. That's why barbers gave shaves because some people just didn't have the knack for it.
    As for today, it takes a certain kind of commitment (or strangeness depending on who you ask) to take the extra time and effort it takes to use a straight. if you can shave in minutes with a electric and get good shaves why would you take 15-30 to use a straight. Or if you can spend $25 on disposable cartridges why bother?

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