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  1. #1
    Coticule researcher
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Thanked: 1212

    Default Old pictures of a shaved face

    Many moons ago, before the "Big Forum Crach" in January 2008, I had
    promised (to Gugi, if memory serves correctly) in a thread about shaving
    before the Safety Razor era, that I would post some pictures of cleanly
    shaven faces out of that time frame. I work as a graphial designer
    at a printing&publishing company, and every once in a while old pictures
    land on my desk, for scanning and publishing in some historical publication.

    The two pictures I'd like to share here, are scanned with greater
    resulotion than what would be required for offset printing. Except
    for some mild sharpening and setting a proper lighting range , I have
    not processed them. For not really bothering with copyright and privacy
    issues (Those gentlemen did both pass away a long time ago) I have
    cropped them very tightly to the beard area. It were both portraits,
    produced by a professsional photographer, taken at some "big" opportunity,
    and therefor I believe that both persons were freshly groomed for
    the occasion.
    The gentlemen with the gracious mustache was photographed around the
    turn of the century. As far as I can tell, he's very closely shaved.
    The other picture was shot somewhere between the wars. I believe he
    has an amount of stubble on the chin.
    If better photos emerge in the future I 'll post again.


    EDIT: I've noticed the SRP-pixel-police has mangled with the resolution of the pictures I've attached. As soon as I found a better way to distribute them, I'll do so.
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  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Bart For This Useful Post:

    jnich67 (05-07-2008)

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