There are several sites showing razor sharpening and they are all a bit different. However all recommend a 12K hone and they all recommend the usual ratio of strokes on the concave and convex sides. The differences are that some use typical honing strokes and some use back and forth honing strokes and some recommend varying degrees of downward pressure. I recently worked on a members japanese razor and I had to reset the bevel on it and with really no idea on what I was doing and no guidance I had to do some real flying by the seat of my pants honing and a lot of experimentation. I haven't gotten a verdict from the member yet so if it was a success I'll post a description of exactly how I did it. If it wasn't a success I'll just fade off into the sunset.

I will say this though, after this experience everything I've read about honing these things is going out the window as far as I'm concerned.