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  1. #11
    Mocha Man mischievous's Avatar
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    Thanks Sandy!
    Hmmm, I'll watch the angle and pressure in that area. My beard is particularly dense in that area and it seems only natural to apply a bit more pressure. Good advice!

    BTW, saw Sweeny T. the other night with the Mrs.. Not having seen the play or read the book we thought Mr.Burton's version was entertaining. This one reminded us of his other offerings. Mind you, as a stand alone, we did enjoy the movie. Creepy!!!


  2. #12
    rum is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by mischievous View Post
    Thanks rum!
    I'll use the Trumpers Skin Food again, and I'll take your advice on the WTG pass only.

    Sometimes my schedule only allows a day off between 10 or 13 days on. So I have to shave for several days consecutively and I have a fast growing beard! This calls for others options.

    Salicylic acid, i.e. dandruff remedy, can be used to treat ingrown hairs, so I might break that out again.

    I'll get my hands on a facial scrub too.

    Thanks for all your advice!
    I agree with sandy's advice on pressure and angles - well worth noting that.

    With respect to salicylic acid, this is true it is good to exfoliate the skin. But if there's one product that I would recommend here that wins hands down for Ingrown Hairs, it would have to be Art of Shaving's Ingrown Hair Night Cream. Nothing does a better job than this - it's alcohol-free and contains no salicylic acid, which I think is a good thing. Too much salicylic and your skin could easily dry-out and turn into a Peperoni-supreme!! Not a day goes by without me using this stuff.

    I have a tough beard too. I usually have a shadow by night time but a shave every other day isn't the end of the world for me. I'm sure the time will come though when I need to shave every day and I'm dreading it .

  3. #13
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mischievous View Post
    Thanks Sandy!
    Hmmm, I'll watch the angle and pressure in that area. My beard is particularly dense in that area and it seems only natural to apply a bit more pressure. Good advice!

    BTW, saw Sweeny T. the other night with the Mrs.. Not having seen the play or read the book we thought Mr.Burton's version was entertaining. This one reminded us of his other offerings. Mind you, as a stand alone, we did enjoy the movie. Creepy!!!

    I saw S.T. on a flight to Japan a while ago. It was alright but nothing special.

    Keep us posted on results and if as you say the beard is particularly dense there then go for several lighter passes rather than one heavy pass. Also, when the skin starts to get irritated while you shave- stop. No point making it painful for you. It should be something enjoyable!

  4. #14
    Mocha Man mischievous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rum View Post
    . But if there's one product that I would recommend here that wins hands down for Ingrown Hairs, it would have to be Art of Shaving's Ingrown Hair Night Cream. Nothing does a better job than this - it's alcohol-free and contains no salicylic acid, which I think is a good thing. Too much salicylic and your skin could easily dry-out and turn into a Peperoni-supreme!! Not a day goes by without me using this stuff.
    I'll give that a try too, thanks!


  5. #15
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    Default Update

    I just finished 4 days of shaving.

    I used a facial scrup at night before bed.

    I used TABAC soap then an alum bar the TABAC aftershave then skin food.

    I went WTG only using minimum pressure.

    No Bumps!!! Hurray!!!

    I did get a bit of irritation on the last day, but I attribute this to my facial scrubbing a little too hard the night before.

    Thanks for the good advice guys!

  6. #16
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    Default Did I impart wisdom?

    Woo-hoo!! So pleased to hear that. You must be very chuffed!

    Interesting though - you combined the Skin Food with an after shave. I haven't used an aftershave in a long time, partly as a result of my ingrown hairs/bumps problem, so I wonder how that combination would work out for me.

    Nonetheless, very pleased to hear that, mischievous!!

  7. #17
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Great to hear it mischievous!

    Glad you updated as well. I was just wondering how it was going the other day.

    Any more problems, just post

  8. #18
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    I used the aftershave because of it's anteseptic properties. I think of the skin food as a sealer and conditioner, and the aftershave as an anteseptic. The facial scrub should be used judiciously though due to it's potential for rubbing one too raw, as in my case.
    This little problem has also taught me the limitations of my face/beard.

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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny J View Post
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