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  1. #1
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    Default No more TI trouble

    Today saw the biggest single leap forward in my 10 months of straight shaving. After thinking that I had plateaued with the straight and having acquired some beautiful pieces along the way including a Livi and a high end TI I had resigned myself to a rough first pass and some minor irritation every time.......step forward Mr Steve Dempster of The Invisible Edge. Over the last year Steve has honed and re-honed all my razors to his satisfaction and if I have to be honest I was beginning to wonder if he really was a top notch honer. He has been suggesting a certain razor for many months but I ignored him and bought more expensive razors from Europe and ended up sending them to Steve after dissapointing results.On Thursday evening after yet another recommendation from Steve and some suggestions here I ordered a Wapi (new old stock) honed by Steve. This morning it arrived, I unwrapped it and stared at the cold lifeless and crude looking implement in my hand, as I did I tried to think of anything really good to come from Poland, after a while I had come to the conclusion that the only good thing was Vodka, was that to dull the effects of a Wapi shave? Somewhat dispondently I trudged upstairs and showered. Having shaved last night I didn't really want to shave again as I find 12 hour stubble the worst to shave, but I thought what the heck and whipped up some CF lime and prepared to go. Well, I know people here rave about them but I really am astonished. I just couldn't feel a thing, it just slid around my face. After 2 passes I had the smoothest most comfortable shave I have ever had, the Wapi blade just suits my face, end of story. I have said all along that I have a very coarse beard and have grown a little frustrated at all the advice on getting the blade sharpened better, let me tell you now that hollow grounds are just not for me, they are just too fine and skip and tug, the Wapi knocks them all int a ****ed hat......if only they had some prettier scales.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbelus maximus View Post
    .....if only they had some prettier scales.
    Don't worry, someone will offer to rescale it for you!

  3. #3
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    I had Steve do complete honing job on an ebay razor I cleaned up/restored. It is a " swept wedge" razor made by William Webster in about 1860. He did a really good job on it. It barely needs stropping before a shave. Looking at the blade shape it must have been a pig to hone, but the edge is either magic or Steve is rather good at his job.
    Don't tell too many people about him though ! or we'll have to start pre-booking his services

    here is Mr Webster (bottom right)

  4. #4
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    Glad to read that you found a grind that works for you. I suppose now that will lead to new acquisitions and exploration of razors that will suit your tastes.

  5. #5
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Congratulations on your shave and finding a grind that you like. You may find that you like hollows a bit later in your shaving career.

  6. #6
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    Sounds like there should be some quality razors coming up on the B/S/T soon

  7. #7
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbelus maximus View Post
    I have said all along that I have a very coarse beard and have grown a little frustrated at all the advice on getting the blade sharpened better, let me tell you now that hollow grounds are just not for me, they are just too fine and skip and tug, the Wapi knocks them all int a ****ed hat......if only they had some prettier scales.
    I experienced the very same thing, except without the 10 months. I was very fortunate to be introduced to the Wapi very early on, receiving my first from Mike Ratliff. I was new to shaving with a straight at the time and didn't appreciate it as well as another razor I had and ended up reselling it, but have since acquired more Wapienicas.

    Hollow ground razors skip and tug on my face, and it's not that they won't shave me, but the Wapienica simply outperforms them on my face.

    We can't judge a razor by its scales

    PS what is a ****ed hat?
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  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, you just found out what many here have been saying for a long time that you don't have to spend a lot of money to get a great shaving razor.

    I wouldn't dis the hollow grinds. I don't think its a matter of them not shaving you well. I think its more a matter of ensuring they are properly honed and maybe some adjustments in your technique.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #9
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I wouldn't dis the hollow grinds. I don't think its a matter of them not shaving you well. I think its more a matter of ensuring they are properly honed and maybe some adjustments in your technique.
    I didn't for months, until I discovered a consistent difference. And I know it isn't really the razor, it's the way I receive it on my face. The technique required to make it work on my face (whether it be my skin, my hair, my physical manipulation of the blade, my lather, my strapping, my prep, etc etc one, some, or all of these) is beyond my current skill level, so I am grateful to have the Wapienica.

    I'll have to attend the next meetup and see if I can get any on-hand pointers for a better shave from a hollow grind
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blueprinciple's Avatar
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    My sincere thanks to those who have seen fit to sing my praises, but - as a bad workman always blames his tools - a good workman should always praise the things he works with. LSBFW mentions Mr. Webster. Wel,l let me tell you, I had to have a very frank and basic conversation with Mr. Webster before he saw things my way. All my Wapi buddies, in comparison, are guys you want to drink fine beer with and lots of it. I don't know what it is about them but they are simply a very good blade that takes an astonishingly good edge. Oh and Mr. Barbelus - your second outing promises to be every good as your first! Thanks to all again - you make the work worthwhile

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