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  1. #1
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Default Shave Secret oil

    I was looking for something on the bottom shelf at Wal-Mart a couple of weeks ago and saw a small bottle of some kind of shaving oil called Shave Secret. Less than $3 so I figured, 'what the heck?' and picked up a bottle. I found the bottle yesterday and figured I'd give it a try. I wanted to try it with the DE (Slim cranked down to '4') before I tried it with a straight. Did my normal hot water splash prep and followed the directions. 5 drops in the palm and rub it in. It really didn't feel all that slick but I gave it a go anyway. The razor slid through the beard like glass! Wow. One WTG pass, another splash of water followed by an XTG pass and I was done. 95% BBS. Didn't need an AS either. The only negative, and I guess that it's the same with any oil, is the cleanup afterward. With soap, a good hot rinse and you're done. This required quite a bit more rinsing to get all the gunk out. This stuff just earned a place in my travel bag.

    Haven't tried it with a straight yet. Has anybody used it with a straight?

  2. #2
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    It's ok.
    I'm a fan of the stuff also; however it is very important to remember that anything making one's skin slick for a blade...also makes it slick for the hand stretching the skin or holding that blade. So I would be very careful with that.
    Also, you may need to wipe your straight on a tissue/towel/something because, while the ShaveSecret stuff works quite well, it doesn't rinse off easily like lather.
    Give it a shot, you are the only judge it has to please, after all. I like the stuff, and have several bottles, but can't imagine giving up my lathering soaps and the like in its favor. Everything has a place. That one is for those days time or space is extremely limited. Or you just want to use the stuff. Perhaps the last pass when you're doing ATG and possibly blade buffing with your straight, this would be nearly ideal. Depends on what you want, of course.

    John P.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm not familiar with this product but I remember many years ago there was this product called amazing shave. You would put a few drops on your DE or cartridge razor on the blade and you didn't need any shave cream. As I recall the stuff caused the whiskers to accumulate and clog up the razor and you had to practically use a scrub brush to clean out the razor afterwards, it would not rinse out. It also gave you a crummy shave.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
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    I use this product on my chin area. I have proraso, proraso pre-shave, and mitchells wool fat. all of these work fine on the rest of my face, but I have a cleft chin, as well as a bad acne scar. I usually lather up the rest of my face with shaving soap, but when I shave my goatee I use shave secret. You are right though, its messy even for a straight razor. Thats the reason I dont use it on my whole face all the time.

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