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  1. #1
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    Default It has all just clicked...

    Hi everyone,

    Like the title says - it has! Only six shaves done (I nearly said under my belt, but then realised that would mean something very different!) and its been pretty cool, but today it just fell into place - I get the whole zen thing about this now.

    Had a really important meeting today, including a face to face meeting and teleconference overseas. As far as it goes, this is as big as it gets in my current job and I've been under some serious stress to get the current project to this milestone. I tell you this only to explain just how zen this straight shaving has become.

    I did my normal oil prep, and then used my new practice strop from Tony (what a cool thing - can't wait to use the real one I have sitting there!). Got the razor nice a ready, and then made my best lather to date. Got the angle just right and did an OK first pass WTG. At this point I'm already running late. But you know what, I just don't care. The lather is so good I just lather up again, and do a second pass (also WTG, not going to push too many boundries just yet!). No cuts at all - finish with a nice balm I have and cruise into work without a care in the world.

    I get it.

    And I love it!


    P.S. The meeting and presentation went awesome, and its only upwards from here - bound to be the shave!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Congratulations! Now that you're not afraid to touch your face with a sharp knife, nothing will ever frighten you again! Not to mention the pleasure of knowing how to do something unusual and cool. Of course, now that you're hooked on shaving, the next thing is honing and drooling over razors you haven't tried yet on eBay. So, it can also be a life-long hobby, too. Continue to let us know how it goes.

  3. #3
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Congratulations!!! You have a good approach by not pushing too fast, too early in the learning process. Gaining confidence with the WTG passes is a great way to go at your stage.
    Congratulations again on the shave and discovering the "zen" of straight shaving!

  4. #4
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Default Yes!


    I love it! This is really what it is all about. Enjoy Brother!

  5. #5
    Senior Member zenshaver's Avatar
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    Why do you think I call myself zenshaver. Honing is cool in its own right too. That is some more satisfaction from being able to sharpen your own razor too.

    Progress can be so overrated. Who says a DE or cartridge is better.

  6. #6
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sicboater View Post

    I love it! This is really what it is all about. Enjoy Brother!
    Absolutely!!! +1
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  7. #7
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    I don't know whether to admit to this or not - but I figure its probably not as weird as it first seems, so here goes...

    So I'm really getting this straight business - as you probably get if you have read the above! I'm also really getting this whole comfortable thing - I've never before had a comfortable shave, nor really enjoyed the whole experience. Its very strange not going to work with a sore neck...... but in a good way!

    Back to the comfort thing - its nice having a nice feeling face/neck. But its cold in the morning at the moment (its winter in Australia) -2 celcius is very common in the last couple of weeks. So I ordered a GP scuttle - mmm warm foam! How good does that feel?!

    But then I realied we have crusty old towels. So I bought some special small shaving towels. Fluffy goodness. And we've never ever used fabric softner in our laundry every - but now I'm doing all the towels each week with fabric softner, and its great!

    I don't know whats happened. Smooth - warm - comfortable - fluffy?!

    Just as well I use a straight to get me back some some manliness!


  8. #8
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Matt, the reason you don't use fabric softner on towels is that it fills the pores in the cloth and water absorption goes down the tubes. Since you are not interested in water absorption to dry yourself off with the shaving towels you can make them as fluffy as your heart desires. When I order my strop next week I am going to buy a few dozen shaving towels.


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