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  1. #41
    Bladed Valkyrie Silver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pearl Razor View Post
    I thought this was ladies corner, it feels hijacked!
    and not only that also I cannot belive that not even one lady has stuck up for or sympathised with me

    oh well I guess I must be a psycho who throws a massive hissyfit over nothing

    "quote: I cant believe she is actually throwing such a fit as this over acouple of harmless pics, from what I read its simply a shameless attempt at blackmail, but if it gets you a Frank Warner, why not. "

    I'll just have to go and shave my legs again, then I'll feel better

    And hopefully I'll get some sympathy from the gals later

    Sorry Pearl! We've been away again for the last week. Buckler you are a bad, bad boy for not asking first. I would pitch a hissy if Spike posted pic's without asking first!

    It could be wose though, you could have been caught snogging Buckler on film then had it broadcast on national TV, which is what happened to me and Spike last week!!!!!

  2. #42
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    It could be wose though, you could have been caught snogging Buckler on film then had it broadcast on national TV, which is what happened to me and Spike last week!!!!!
    [said in best possible welsh accent] Well I nevva!!! The things these folks from the vaaalleys get up to when left to their own devices....

  3. #43
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Buckler, you really are a very silly boy! I completely understand your urge to share your delight in your good lady with the rest of us maniacs. But before you do, then, now & in future, consider the consequences! If you can wangle a decent blade out of it though...

    Pearl. I'm quite relieved to have missed your discomfort. If I may be bold, might I suggest that your errant chap did it out of a sense of pride in your achievements & utter gorgeousness? Misplaced, certainly, but also understandable & forgivable surely.

    Sidney: What we get up to up the Valleys is not fit for family consumption

  4. #44
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spike J View Post
    Sidney: What we get up to up the Valleys is not fit for family consumption
    Yes thats right....

    Wales: Where the men are men and the sheep are fearful.

    Or should that be tearful?

  5. #45
    Sass Monster LilithParker's Avatar
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    I'm torn. On the one hand, I want to stand up for the sisterhood and give Buckler a good rap across the knuckles for posting pics without permission. On the other hand, I saw the pics, I liked them, and I was disappointed when they were taken down.

    Pearl, darling, don't be shy. But do teach the boy a lesson (and get a drool-worthy razor out of his mistake).

  6. #46
    KNife loving lady Pearl Razor's Avatar
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    Its not so much the pictures (although I was in very daggy underwear, and was caught on very unflattering angles) but the shock of opening up SRP ladies forum to find pictures of myself shaving that I had no idea of on a thread. It was a real shock!! I almost cried !
    Buckler did not even hint at the thought that he was considering posting these pics! And I will be posting pics of me shaving soon enough, but the'll have to be on my terms! Not ones just posted without my consent!!!!
    Sorry Silver but these pics have been 100% deleted!
    You'll have to wait till I've posted some new ones of my own choosing.


  7. #47
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Default A very good point!

    EVERYTHING in this forum happens on the terms of the LADIES (Gents, as long as we keep that in mind, I think we will all be okay here!) I think that was made abundantly clear already and I don't wish to "beat a dead horse." This is a very ground breaking section of the site and I really want to watch it grow into something great but I will need the help of those who participate here, so if you haven't done so already, read the new sticky and make sure to report errant threads or posts using the method outlined. Thanks everyone! Now lets get back to helping each other learn how to safely and enjoyable remove unwanted hair!

    Always v/r (very respectfully)

    Last edited by sicboater; 08-25-2008 at 03:52 AM. Reason: link to sticky...

  8. #48
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    nothing wrong with the pics (you have nice legs )
    but i ll go with you on the when you want something posted you will
    no supprizes when you log on

    i hope that the trust is not messed up (maybe you'll get that nice new sharp object out of it

    i had taken a few pictures of a friend that wanted them done and gave word that after they were on her computer i would clean them all off my gear. latter she asked if i still had them cause her drive crashed and sorry enough that i had to tell her that they were gone. im not sure if she feels "in shape " for a new photo set. sucks cause they were great pictures and no im not talking all trashy or something.

  9. #49
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by L R Harner View Post
    nothing wrong with the pics (you have nice legs )
    but i ll go with you on the when you want something posted you will
    no supprizes when you log on
    Butch, you took the words right out of my mouth! I just didn't have the balls to say so!

  10. #50
    The Sardonic Lady Viola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pearl Razor View Post
    I thought this was ladies corner, it feels hijacked!
    and not only that also I cannot belive that not even one lady has stuck up for or sympathised with me

    oh well I guess I must be a psycho who throws a massive hissyfit over nothing

    "quote: I cant believe she is actually throwing such a fit as this over acouple of harmless pics, from what I read its simply a shameless attempt at blackmail, but if it gets you a Frank Warner, why not. "

    I'll just have to go and shave my legs again, then I'll feel better

    And hopefully I'll get some sympathy from the gals later

    Pearl, I completely understand your frustration. And a boy does have to pay when he has acted inappropriately. I'm glad to hear he is being compliant and taking his medicine well. Don't mess with a woman and her straights!

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