As I mentioned in the "We'll never have to hone again" thread, my wife bought me a pyramid, a book on pyramidology and a "concentrator". I've called this thread the "mystical" pyramid to distinguish it from a normal honing pyramid, not because I think that pyramids are mystical. If there is an effect it, will be due to some physical law that hasn't been discovered yet.

So, the razor, a McClellan "Second to None" made in Belfast, has been under the pyramid for 4 days, longer than the recommended 70-80 hours. The pyramid vendor says that this is enough to sharpen a dull knife but, in this case, the razor has been honed, so this is not a test of sharpening but of how long the razor remains sharp.

I chose this particular razor because it is one that I do not particularly like. Not that its bad, it's just not as comfortable as the 7 razors in my rotation and, for this reason, I never use it. So, if I like the razor better after it's been under the pyramid, it will be the first indication that something is happening.

The rules are simple. Starting tomorrow morning, I will shave with the razor every day. When not in use, the razor will be kept under the pyramid. The razor will not be stropped, but only wiped once on each side on the heel of my hand before shaving. The experiment will end when I feel that the razor is no longer giving me a good shave. This is not a very scientific test in the sense that there are no controls (identical control razors, other shavers, double-blind controls, etc.). It's purpose is not to convince anyone of anything ... I just want to know if it is worthwhile pursuing this line of inquiry or not.