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  1. #1
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    Default Second Straight Experience - !@#%

    So my first "real" straight was with the DOVO Bismark "Presharpened". Wasn't as good as I was expecting.

    This time it was with a TI from AoS "Shave ready"
    I took a hot shower, used the conditioner on my face that has worked in the past.
    Scrubed, Cleansed, Hot toweled. Stroped the bloody thing 10 Linen, 50 Leather.
    Lathered up and kept for a minute, did 10 more leather passes.

    The Shave- horrible!

    I've shaved with a disposable straight for 2 years so the technique kicked in naturally, but it barely looks like I shaved!!

    I just couldn't cut it.

    Was it NOT shave ready? Did I not strop enough?

    I REALLY WANT to shave with a straight I like it alot, but whats the point if it doesn't shave. I've been practicing honing for 2 weeks now with my ginueu pig razor, got all the sharpening tools needed, but I'm wondering HOW long will it take before I can finally say YAY with a straight?

    (Words of advice and/or encouragement would be nice)

  2. #2
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    If you're talking about a brand new TI, chances are it's not shave ready. It'll need to be touched up a little before it shaves well.

    What hone(s) are you using? If you've got a 4k & 8K do a small pyramid; 5/5, 3/5, 3/5, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 ... gently and carefully for each stroke and you should be good to go.


  3. #3
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    If you have been shaving with a disposable straight, then you at least have the basics down.
    Couple of things come to mind. Unless the razor has been sharpened by a honemeister, then it is not going to be sharp enough to shave even after stropping.
    Second, unless you used a very light touch on the strop, you may have rolled the edge even if it was sharpened by a honemeister.
    Not sure what hones you have but the Norton 4K/8K mentioned above is a good one. If a razor a good bevel and the edge just needs to be touched up, I use a yellow coticule. Every yellow coticule will vary a bit but they are generally considered to be about 8K with a slurry and 10K with just plain water. I have razors that have not seen anything coarser than the yellow coticule for over a year.

  4. #4
    Member again CloseShave's Avatar
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    TI's are my favorite straight razor, howeverr, they are not shave ready from the manufacturer. There is a professional honing service on 37th street that AOS on Madison uses. It sounds like your Dovo is not sharp enough either

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by CloseShave View Post
    TI's are my favorite straight razor, howeverr, they are not shave ready from the manufacturer. There is a professional honing service on 37th street that AOS on Madison uses. It sounds like your Dovo is not sharp enough either
    Where is the place, I may pay a visit.

    My hones:
    DMT D8C, D6E
    Norton 4/8K
    Chinese 12K

    Balsa strop with 1.0 Diamond Paste and CrO

  6. #6
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    At least you have adequate equipment so at some point you will be able to sharpen them yourself. In the mean time, if you bought the razor from a store and it was marked "shave ready," you could take it back and tell them to try again. You might want to ask how exactly they accomplish getting a razor to be shave ready. Their definition might greatly differ from that of this forum.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Lt.Arclight's Avatar
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    I have received " shave ready" razors from the honemeisters, all have been sharp, but none have given comfortable shaves. I would prefer to hone my own razors and generally those pre-sharpened razors-need some finish work for me to get a good shave.

    Its not to say the honemeisters didn't so their job. Everybody's face is different and IMO, you MUST adjust your honing to suit it. Some may argue with this. But it is true-at least for me. Its not that the shave is a blood bath-more likely, its just more irritation than I would prefer. Those razors are easily finished honed.I recently bought my fisrt TI-an Evide Sonnant Extra. It was NOT shave ready and required more than just a touch of finish work.

    Since you have shaved with a Str8,you have established some skill,maybe your skin is like mine. I agree with the other posts. Just a touch up on a coticule, or some strokes on a 16000 Shapton followed by stroping would probably help you achieve a comfortable shave.Good luck and most of all don't give up. You WILL enjoy a blade honed to your liking.

    PS: FWIW, I too have 2 Dovo Bismarcks. One I honed and one I received "pre sharpened. This was the very first razor I bought honed by someone other than the factory. After stropping it about 50 or so times on leather- I too had a VERY irritating and unpleasant shave. Subsequently after finsihing the blade on my Shapton and more stropping-it is now a good shaver.
    Last edited by Lt.Arclight; 09-07-2008 at 10:14 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorShak View Post
    So my first "real" straight was with the DOVO Bismark "Presharpened". Wasn't as good as I was expecting.
    As we in the technology department tend to say:

    1. What did you do?
    2. What did the razor do?
    3. What did you expect the razor to do?

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorShak View Post
    This time it was with a TI from AoS "Shave ready"
    I took a hot shower, used the conditioner on my face that has worked in the past.
    Scrubed, Cleansed, Hot toweled. Stroped the bloody thing 10 Linen, 50 Leather.
    Lathered up and kept for a minute, did 10 more leather passes.

    The Shave- horrible!
    Two things for you:

    1. Did you read, and actually understand, Why A "Shave Ready" Razor is often NOT Really Shave Ready - A Detailed Explanation?
    2. There are many variables in the shaving equation. Your preparation sounds sound. Without further information about your actual shaving technique, though...

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorShak View Post
    Was it NOT shave ready? Did I not strop enough?
    One possible explanation is that God hates you. After all, you may never know. Any road, blaming failure on the razor is certainly one way to go. But why?

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorShak View Post
    I REALLY WANT to shave with a straight I like it alot, but whats the point if it doesn't shave. I've been practicing honing for 2 weeks now with my ginueu pig razor, got all the sharpening tools needed, but I'm wondering HOW long will it take before I can finally say YAY with a straight?
    Months, if anything. Alternatively, send your razors off to someone who knows what he's doing, and see what he says. Without a benchmark razor, trying to hone yours up is, well, not very useful.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorShak View Post
    (Words of advice and/or encouragement would be nice)
    I hereby encourage you to have someone take a look at your razors, and your shaving technique. Alternatively, please feel free to suffer some more. I know that is not nice, but shaving lessons are paid for in blood, and ingrowns.
    Last edited by BeBerlin; 09-07-2008 at 01:12 AM. Reason: Who needs a reason?

  9. #9
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorShak View Post
    Where is the place, I may pay a visit.

    My hones:
    DMT D8C, D6E
    Norton 4/8K
    Chinese 12K

    Balsa strop with 1.0 Diamond Paste and CrO
    Shak, follow my advice on the Norton combo first and maybe do a final 3 or 4 laps on the 12k to finish off before you go and get somebody else to hone that razor. you've got the equipment you need. With a little patience and a careful hand, you might be surprised at what you can accomplish. If it doesn't improve you can always go to the honing service.


  10. #10
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Wait- have you lapped your hone? That was my mistake....

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