Kristofferbodvin i am in the same boat man, but a little behind you. i took a brief break from the straight razor and tried out a DE for about 2 months. i am just hitting the honing stage now and am really excited about it. stuff like honing is like meditation for me i guess, very relaxing and when i am done i feel like i have accomplished something ( like when i am building a part for my motorcycle from scratch-- it may take longer then buying one but the feeling is much better). i also didn't find this place until i had already been shaving for a couple months (i wish i had found it sooner) but it has been a great learning tool. late night is wheni practice honing as my girlfriend falls asleep every night at exactly 10pm so after that is my time to goof around. luckily she isn't a light sleeper as our bed is about 5 feet away from where i sit . ha!

i haven't been able to convert anyone yet to the straight razors. i think it is true that you have to be a bit nostalgic, and because of the learning curve many people are turned off to the idea. i have been able to convert my dad to DEs and he is floored at how much nicer they are. i think DEs might be a nice stepping stone to the straight razors, though my dad swears he will never try one, not enough patience apparently. most of my friends will actually flat out admit they are too lazy to put the kind of effort needed into it. they say they don't have time (which is bull) or they say they heard the shave isn't that great. excuses.

i will keep trying though, i am thinking of getting some basic kits made up to sell in my health food store along with some inexpensive DEs. market them as more environmentally friendly ( which i think they are) as we have no where in town to buy them at all.