Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
I have to agree with Alan here.
The multi-hundred and multi-thousand post members are very vocal, but they are not the majority.
I think it was Joe who once made a statistic, and the majority of the members never get beyond a 100 posts or so, and only stay long enough to learn basic shaving and razor maintenance.
The majority is also not expert at honing.

Wonder why so many newbs leave here? Couldn't be the condescending attitudes thrown at them by some of the "More Experienced" members. Nor would it likely be the Discouraging "advice" given by them as well. Sometimes perhaps our hobbies get in the way of our hobbies.
**That's irrellevant though**
I am no expert, nor will I ever claim to be, but if you take up working on my helicopter for a hobby, I garuntee you will learn a lot of things that I may not know. But you will not likely know everything that I know. I do it everyday all day rain or shine. It is my job. I seriously doubt that the barber that my grand/great grand father went to gave a poor or even mediocre shave. It was a different time and a different generation people used to take pride in their work. Only a handfull of people still do.

Just my two cents.