Hello, gentlemen...
A few days ago, I got an Anton Wingen jun SOLINGEN, Othello razor... It has a false ivory (bakelite) scales with some silver? on top... The blade is 6/8", full hollow with slightly rounded spike tip... There was almost no hone wear on the spine... So, I took it to 1k and did arround 40 laps... Then I went to 3k for arround 100 laps... Then I went to a 6k and did arround 200 laps... It felt very sharp (thumb pad), but it didn't cut any hair from my arm... So I did about 3 aggresive pyramids and 5 conservative pyramids, and then I took the razor to pasted strop (CrOx) and did some 150 laps and 300 laps on leather side...
Then I did a test shave and it felt quite nice, but it wasn't quite there yet... Maybe I was expecting wrong things, because I shaved with shavette for 3 months now...
So I did arround 70 laps more on CrOx and 150 laps on leather and today we'll see how it will shave...
I'm very excited, because I managed to hone a razor from scratch thanks to SRP...