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  1. #1
    Neat Freak Stuggi's Avatar
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    Default Your "Way of the Razor"

    I had this idea that I want to test, so let's see how it goes. My idea is that everyone who likes can post in this thread their way to "perfect" shaving. That would be a guide how to progress from shaving with a disposable (or not shaving at all) to a good shave with a straight, in as many steps as you like. If you want you can even recommend specific gear and such, or only Disposable->Mach3->DE->Str8 for example. The important thing here is that everyone that participates already does all their shaving with a straight (or at least could if they wanted/could since there's no accounting for outside influences), so that the advice actually leads to being able to shave with a straight. Also, if this catches on, I'll make a separate thread for comments so they doesn't clutter up the thread.

  2. #2
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Hmmm, interesting idea! I'll bite...

    This isn't the way I did it, but if I were suggesting to a total noob, it might go something like this (and I've disregarded cost, since that ain't a rule!):

    - Read this forum thoroughly. Mainly Newbie, General, Shaving, and Strop sections, as well as the Wiki.
    - Buy a decent razor from Classic Shaving and opt for Lynn's honing service.
    - Buy a hanging strop with linen and two sided pasted paddle strop with CrOx from Tony Miller.
    - Buy badger hair brush.
    - Buy some basic shaving cream (Proraso maybe), alum bloc, and styptic.
    - Shower, don't strop, try shaving cheeks and neck only (leave chin and upper lip for whatever you were using to shave with up to now).
    - Focus on learning technique of shaving over next couple of weeks. Move onto chin and upper lip with care. Do not attempt BBS. Tidy up with DE or cartridge if necessary. Improve until confident.
    - Use paddle strop conservatively to refresh blade as and when.
    - Concurrently, learn to strop on hanging strop. Very carefully. Slowly at first, getting technique. Increase speed over a few weeks as muscle memory sets in. But most importantly focus on technique, not speed.
    - Assuming shaving and stropping technique coming on well, start using alum to feel where it stings after shaving. Use this as feedback on which areas to adopt lighter touch. Improve technique this way.
    - Assuming technique is improving and shaves are improving, consider honing. Read Basic Honing forum and Wiki.
    - Buy basic honing setup: Norton 4k/8k combo, coticule, cheap magnifier/microscope.
    - Buy Wapi razor (takes an edge real easy!) and practice honing. Don't forget pasted paddle to finish.

    Then you could:
    - Buy more razors, persuade yourself you need the honing practice.
    - Buy more hones in search of that ever elusive perfect edge.
    - Go nuts: buy an Escher (blue, green), collect coticules (pink, hard, soft, tiger stripes), buy DMTs, buy BBW, buy Shapton Glass 30k, buy.....
    - Buy customs: buy Livi, buy Livi regrind, buy Williams, buy Zowada, buy Harner, buy Chandler, buy them all!
    - Buy more junk for the shave den, buy Penhaligon colognes, buy soaps, creams, buy stuff you don't need, as long as it's shave related.
    - Buy a scuttle, or four, buy more brushes, buy stuff for travelling like a cherry wood coffin and leather wash bag, buy a small loom strop, buy a giant loom strop, buy a four-sided paddle strop, buy horsehide strops, latigo strops, BUY MORE RAZORS!!!
    - Take stock.

    Now make it up to your wife.

    I reckon that would span a couple of years.
    Last edited by majurey; 01-16-2009 at 06:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    well my way took a couple of years:

    disposable --> braun shaver --> phillips shavette --> phillips shavette --> disposable 4 blade thingy --> phillips shavette --> straight razor 6/8 --> looking forward to buy smaller razor since the 6/8 is to big for my face, something like 4/8 or 5/8 most likley --> unknown future

    but since I started shaving with a straight 2 weeks ago, well I really like the idea of it and start getting used to it, but the shave is far from perfect and needs a lot of more practicing.

  4. #4
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Hmm, my "Way of the Razor" was to:

    -read the forums for basic know how
    -dispose of all other shaving implements to eliminate backsliding
    -buy basic stone to get going
    -buy old straight and restore it
    -buy soap, brush, strop
    -THROW DOWN and just start shaving with it at night so the face doesn't look chapped, and nicks have healed over for the next morning.

  5. #5
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    Hmm, my "Way of the Razor" was to:

    -read the forums for basic know how
    -dispose of all other shaving implements to eliminate backsliding
    -buy basic stone to get going
    -buy old straight and restore it
    -buy soap, brush, strop
    -THROW DOWN and just start shaving with it at night so the face doesn't look chapped, and nicks have healed over for the next morning.
    No messin around here.I like it. Didn't think there were others that shared my way.

  6. #6
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    Watch Lynn's whaving video
    Learn how to strop
    Read about proper proper pre-shave prep
    Buy a shave ready razor
    Start with doing ATG passes on your cheeks, and finish if with your safety razor if needed. Slowly progress and KEEP AT IT for as long as it takes to get a good staight shave (usually a couple of months or so).
    Ask questions.

    Notice, I did not specify any brands -- they all work, and are capable of giving you a perfect shave.

  7. #7
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    The way of the razor thru limitation.

    When you make enough mistakes the remaining options are the correct ones.
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  8. #8
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Fun idea. I would say not to read the forum at all. I'm sure it would confuse the clap out of me! I would read only the barbers manual in the Help files, but I've said that dozen and dozen of times. I think it helps to shave with a DE first and then learn how to shave close with a straight.

    I'd buy a new razor and an 8K only hone. I'd hone on 8K only until shaving sharp and strop lightly. Most guys I think destroy an edge with the 4K and have no idea how to fix the damage or finish the honing once they touch the blade with a 4K. On the other hand, shave ready, would be a good option too. Most guys have no clue how to strop a truely sharp razor though. They learn to strop incorrectly in order to overcome their lack of honing skill. A shave ready razor is like a precision sniper rifle in the hands of a guy that just wants to learn how to shoot a gun. It gets broken more times than it actually ends up working.

    So, shave with a DE to remove the pull and challenge, then learn to shave closely with a straight. After about 2 weeks, do the reverse and shave with a DE after the straight, and learn how to "remove bulk' hair with a straight. Practice "buffing" strokes and using the right angle and skin stretching. I would also, when your ready, consider "Precision" training. Practice prepping your beard really well, applying one lathering, and shaving your face with only that lathering, no more then two strokes each of which is perfect (skin stretching, angle, etc) and living with that shave.

    Then, toss the DE, and combine the skills.

  9. #9
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    Started with my brother. Told me he was getting a straight for christmas. I hated shaving with the multi blade razors never liked it!
    Spent from Nov thru Dec on this site learning everything I could (wife called me obsessed several times)
    Found the Razor I wanted, had it right after christmas. (shave ready and got all the goodies thanks to my time spent on SRP learning)
    Shaved on Jan. 1st for the first time with a straight
    Now I look forward to every shave!!
    And I look forward to learning even more!

  10. #10
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    Default My path to the straight way.

    I first started shaving with a disposable two or three blade thingy, then went to an M3 disposable thingy.
    Then when I wasn't earning much money I thought a straight looked way cool and decided to try it. Bought an old straight from an antique store and used it with crappy goo from a can. Persevered with crappy shaves and lots of razor burn for a couple of months. Naturally it didn't do much at all so I lashed out and bought my current Dovo straight. Eventually gave up and went back to the M3 disposable thingy.
    Then after I moved to Bangkok I wanted to show off infront of the wife's family who don't grow facial hair. I planned on bringing out the Dovo again, but this time I read a lot of stuff on the net. I also bought a strop, a hone, a shaving brush, shaving soap, and a bowl for lather prep. As of the start of the year I have I made a resolution that I will only shave with a straight from now on. I bought a heap of disposable straight razors to practice with and now I happily use my Dovo every morning.

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