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  1. #1
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    I had read that many of our senior (and not so senior) members were stropping mid-shave. I normally do 60 laps on the leather prior to starting the shave so I never gave it much thought. Although I was noticing significant tugging between my lower lip and chin, I wrote that off as being the toughest, coarsest and densest beard on my face. That changed yesterday when I took a hunk out of my chin. Uggh!!

    So today I did an additional 30 laps on the strop before tackling my lip and chin areas. I have been putting a hot towel to those areas after shaving everything else, the re-lathering. This time I added the extra stropping. WOW!! What a difference. Very little tugging. The razor cut through the whiskers smoothly and cleanly.
    Last edited by dward; 01-24-2009 at 04:40 PM.

  2. #2
      Lynn's Avatar
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    That is a tough area Dan. Mostly because we tend to flatten out the angle on the razor there and if not careful, you could be at 90 degrees which is most uncomfortable shaving. Although I don't routinely strop mid shave, there certainly is nuttin wrong with it when it works for you.

    Have fun,


  3. #3
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    I stropped mid-shave for the first time today. Now that I can strop at acceptable speed it's no hardship. In fact I remember thinnking I did the 30 laps too quickly, I wanted the lather to sink in for longer.

    It was one of my better shaves so far, but that could have been down to other changes I made.

    In particular I changed how I wetted my face between passes. I normally use water from the sink, but I shave so slowly it can get cold. This time I put very hot water in an old insulated plastic cup I had lying around. I put my small travel brush in it and rested the lid on top. Every time I needed to reapply lather I'd start by using the travel brush to wet my face with the HOT water, then used the main brush to apply lather. I was really happy with how this felt and worked out.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Vashaver's Avatar
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    I do it if I decide to go Atg and Wtg if just Wtg then no because I have a beard so im only cheeks and neck. I have a Barbers manual that tells you to strop a toatal of 3 times! I posted some diagrams on stropping, honing..ect a wile back. I have been wanting to do a post on this since it has been talked about more as of late.


  5. #5
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    It is nothing wrong with mid-shave stropping, but my impression is that with proper beard preparation and correct angle on razor there is no need for aditional stropping even in two days shaving.

  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I have just always stropped 20 laps between passes, I would not even go so far as to say it helps
    But the very first time I was introduced to a straight razor back in 1981-82 thats what the barber that got me started in this hobby did (he was probably just showing off)... So I have just always done it....
    I do know for sure it does give the second lathering more time to do it's work, so I guess it does at least help that way
    And what the heck it doesn't hurt, just so long as you know how to strop....

  7. #7
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    [quote=gssixgun; So I have just always done it....
    I do know for sure it does give the second lathering more time to do it's work, so I guess it does at least help that way
    And what the heck it doesn't hurt, just so long as you know how to strop....[/quote]

    I totaly agree!!!

  8. #8
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    I used to strop mid-shave, but haven't done it in a year or so. May have to try it again tomorrow, and see how it goes.

  9. #9
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    I've never actually tried to strop mid-shave....I guess I've never really found the need for it Perhaps I will have to do some experimenting....

  10. #10
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    I am going to give it a try what can it hurt!!

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