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Thread: Having Problems

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  1. #1
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    Default Having Problems

    Okay after a relativly smooth transistion to a DE from a cartridge, I am having problems with the straight. I stropped the razor and shaved my right cheek, actully it didn't really cut much of anything. I think I'll try Chris Moss' shaving guide... this is very very frustrating.

  2. #2
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    Agreed, frustrating it is. If I were you I'd give up on shaving for a while and work on honing. Don't even try shaving until you have a razor that passes the hanging hair test easily. Shaving with a dull straight is like shaving with a DE with a credit card inserted as the blade. So what are you using? Hone, strops, blade...all of it....hang in there.

  3. #3
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    I don't have a hone but I have a #127 Illonois strop with dressing on it and a 4/8 Shumate, maybe I need to get the razor professionaly sharpened?

  4. #4
    imported_Tony Miller


    You need to get the razor honed for sure. A strop like the 127 will keep it in shape but will not get the edge keen if it is not already very close. If I were a better honer I would gladly do it for you buy I am not that great. Maybe on of the Honemeisters out there would offer to help you out as a favor.
    Your #127 has fromm paste on it which is a conditioner, not a sharpening paste.
    Can anyone here do Pat a big favor?


  5. #5
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Tony is right!!!! Shaving with a dull razor sucks. Also very frustrating. Get a hone and try that.

  6. #6
    Senior Member uthed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinatra
    I don't have a hone but I have a #127 Illonois strop with dressing on it and a 4/8 Shumate, maybe I need to get the razor professionaly sharpened?
    If you'd like, and are willing to pay the round-trip postage, I'll send you a loaner to compare to yours. E-mail or message me your mailing address. If you want, you can send me yours and I'll get it keen. Gratis ....

    David Uthe
    15743 Ravinia Avenue, #2E
    Orland Park, IL 60462

    [email protected]

  7. #7
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Hello Sinatra,

    David Uthe has made you a very good offer. He is one of the best at honing according to the founder of this group, Lynn Abrams. Take him up on his offer. Do not attempt honing by yourself on your first and only straight razor. The learning curve is steep.

    David, your offers to hone the razors for these new guys is really appreciated.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  8. #8
    Senior Member uthed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449
    Hello Sinatra,

    David Uthe has made you a very good offer. He is one of the best at honing according to the founder of this group, Lynn Abrams. Take him up on his offer. Do not attempt honing by yourself on your first and only straight razor. The learning curve is steep.

    David, your offers to hone the razors for these new guys is really appreciated.
    Well, my sponsor at the Razorholics group said I should start doing more service work, so ....

  9. #9
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    This is a good offer. I bought an ebay special to pracice honing on. Boy you can screw up a razor if you do it wrong. 8)

  10. #10
      Lynn's Avatar
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    LOL......I am starting to see the Honemeister around here more and more.......on some of youse guys names. Honing is usually the answer to most shaving problems. Once you have a sharp razor and try a little bit at a time until you get comfy with the whole shave, you should be fine. Lynn

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