Hello all,

This past Saturday I attempted my first straight razor shave. I have
a new razor a DOVO Classic "Special" 6/8 Black which my wife bought
me for a anniversary gift at classic shaving. I guess she got tired
of me talking about wanting to shave with a straight razor. I
watched Lynn's shaving video first and then tried to shave. I
stropped the razors making sure not to apply to much pressure. The
shave was ok no pulling or razor burn. The only problem is that it
seemed that I didn't really shave. Some small parts it did shave,
but most the face it didn't shave. Maybe the angle of the razor was
wrong or I did not use enough pressure when I shaved. Is it like a
DE where the weight of the razor is enough to shave or do you have
to apply pressure to the razor? I know that new razors are not shave
ready and need allot of stropping. Maybe it was not sharp enough?
Should I try stropping it with the linen side first and then the
leather? There is always next weekend to try again.