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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Thanked: 278

    Question Ever had a shave start really bad...

    Ever had a shave start really bad... and then turn out great?

    I had retouched some razors using a Dragon's Tongue (wanted to give it a fair tryout.) Normally I finish with diamond paste, but I wanted to see what the DT was like as a finisher.

    Today I shaved off 3 days' growth with one of those razors. The first pass WTG was pretty embarassing - lots of hairs remained untouched, and it felt like it was pulling. If I'd taken a spare razor in I'd have probably switched, but I stuck with it.

    So, I ended up doing 4 passes in all (WTG/XTG/XTG/ATG). And surprise surprise, the result was good. If anything better than my average shaves, and no skin irritation at all, despite so many passes.

    Not quite sure what's happening, should be interesting to see how it performs next time after a bit more stropping.

  2. #2
    Coticule researcher
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Thanked: 1212


    I 'd say that it might be a bit less keen that what you're used to. You may had to rely a bit more on an avid shaving technique to get the job done, but in capable hands, that know not to start pushing down if the razor feels less sharp, such an edge may be very gentle for the skin.

    Getting a good edge is not solely a keenness contest. Maybe you erred just a bit on the opposite side this time.

    Thanks for sharing,

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