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Thread: Do you strop before ATG?
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04-06-2009, 08:19 PM #7
ya i guess an underlying question i had was whether there is anything i should change in my honing process that might change this. but for anyone to comment on that you would have to know my honing process
her goes:
220/1k norton
4/8k norton
12k chinese + slurry stone
CrOx strop
linen/leather strop
i typically try not to overhone, but i'm not a minimalist. my technique is fairly consistent and i try to keep the same light pressure all the time. i do tend to do 80-100 laps on the CrOx after the initial honing. if it doesn't shave perfect then i will go back to the 12k for 50 laps and another 50 on the CrOx. before every shave i do 25 linen and 50 leather.
i won't rule out the posibility of overhoning, but i am a little doubtful, still i am very much still learning.
so i guess at this point its more about fine tuning things as i relaly do like the shaves i am getting from this razor and others i have honed. just looking for some advice.