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  1. #1
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Quote Originally Posted by chee16 View Post
    so i can do an ATG but it is sometimes a little too much and the weepers come in. so i remembered someone posting that they have a heavy beard, so they tend to strop again before doing the ATG pass. so i tried it last night and it did make a difference (not that i was all that surprised). i don't consider my beard to be heavy, but apparently i was wrong.
    It makes more of a difference with softer steels like some Sheffields have, and also if you use a very steep angle it makes a difference. I used to do this, but don't bother anymore, partly because I rarely use my Sheffields nowadays, and partly because I get better more comfortable shaves if I use a much lower angle - I usually keep the spine just off my skin, and I find the edges don't get beat up as much.

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    chee16 (04-07-2009)

  3. #2
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    i try to keep my angle down as i find it was the first thing that caused irritation for me, but i will pay more attention and see where i get.

    the 2 razors i typically use are fairly different, but i like them both.

    the first and most used is a Wade and Butcher 1/4 hollow. it might be a frame back. i really like this one and because of it i have been desperately searching for a Wedge to try, but seeings how money is tight i was more looking for a shaver/fixer upper then a show piece.

    the second is a Dovo Best Quality, which was my first razor that i bought from Tony Miller in a starter kit. i have reset the bevel since buying it as i didn't know what i was doing in the beginning and may have rolled the edge. and then i decided it would be a good project as it would be a very quick bevel reset and the blade isn't warped like some of the Ebay razors i have. i still like this one a lot though the scales are getting a little loose..

    like i said, very different razors but both give me a great shave.

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