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Thread: burn and stuble

  1. #1
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    Default burn and stuble

    ok, so I have a question. actually, two.

    1) when I shave, I typically use two passes, first with, second across. I have noticed that often when the remnants of shaving cream, despite the brand, sit on my face (while I'm finishing my shave) it seems to burn. I've never had a problem with razor burn, and my skin doesn't turn any shade of red. It also seems to burn a little when I apply moisturizer after the shave, but once again, no reddness. Has anyone had a problem like this?

    2) the area on my neck to the left and right of my adam's apple never seems to shave completely. It looks ok, but I can always feel stuble left. I have noticed that the blade seems to skip over the skin down there, but no where else. Again, has anyone had any problems like this?

    I know I'm going to recieve something along the lines of "well without knowing exactly you prep, yada yada yada". So I'll do my best to answer those:

    5/8 dovo, plenty keen (drags rather nicely on thumb nail and thumb)
    different types of prep
    always shave after shower or face wash
    strop of canvas/leather 10/30-40 respectivly (10/60 last night)
    sevile row super badger brush
    taylor avocado, lavender cream
    light stuble (I'm a youngin)
    lateral growth in problem area
    no ingrown hairs or razor burn
    hone on a traditional barbers hone (I think I need to get a different hone, there seem to be bumps on the barbers hone)

    oh yes, and one more thing. using the x pattern, I have noticed that the edge of the blade closest to the tang doesn't get honed as much as the middle of the blade. the same goes for the tip of the blade, but not so severly. again, any thoughts?

    Thanks all


  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There are alot of variables there that can cause some burn. I have alot of razors and to an extent if I use an aftershave containing alot of alcohol there is always a little burn. When I use my TI damascus I get no burn at all but thats the exception. Also, some soaps will burn after that first pass. Also the more passes you make the more the chances of some burn.

    As far as stubble goes I find the neck is my problem area, with against the grain meaning a forward stroke there aren't alot of razors that can safely do that maneuver. I have a japanese straight which has a short blade that can do it but personally if there is a little stubble on my neck its no big deal to me. The shave is still very close.

  3. #3
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Hi Jon, How long has this burning been going on? Is the burning on the area you shaved or outside of it where the cream would remain? As for X pattern not getting the heal and tip, I would speculate that the razor you are using might have been honed improperly in the past or ground unevenly, but a picture would help. Lynn

  4. #4
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    The razor is actually rather new, and I actually think I'm just being paranoid.

    I think it might actually be the cream that is making my skin burn. I used Taylor's avacado cream when my skin burned a little. Last night I used a sample of the art of shaving unscented cream, and it didn't burn at all. I'm gonna try using the avacado for about a week and see if it consistantly burns...

    thanks all

  5. #5
    Junior Member Martin Adler's Avatar
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    I always had the same problem with stubble left and right of my Adam's apple and on the neck below the jaw line.

    Then I developed a technique making a double chin and shaving from the ear to the Adam's apple while streching the skin.

    As I can't explain it clearly and some people in the German asked me for explanation, I took some photographs of my straight razor shave:

    Just hit 'weiter'. I included the 1st and the 2nd pass ('Durchgang').
    You see the double chin method in pass 2.

    These photos are no real shave, I just wanted to show how I hold the razor and do the stretching, so I didn't need the lather. I took them in the evening after work, so I'm wearing an old t-shirt and have some evening shadow in the face. Sorry for that.

    With this program I get great results. The stubble near the adam's apple is gone almost completely. I only feel it when I turn my head so that the hairs get pushed out of the skin.

    The 1st pass is important for the problem area, too, because my hairs grow in different directions there.

    Best regards

  6. #6
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    Hey Jon,

    I had a similar problem with "razor" burn. my problem was applying too much pressure while shaving, and a semi dull razor. A sharp razor barely needs to touch your skin to shave.

    As for the X pattern it is possible that, if the hone is quite thin and you're barely honing the 2 ends taht you'll get this inconsistancy.

    Take a marker and paint the edge and do 1 x and examine how much / little paint there is on the edge. Adjust your technique accordingly.


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