I’ve been shaving with a straight razor for about 3 months now. The improvement is immense; however, I still have plenty of perfecting to do.

Things I know:

The razor IS sharp. I’m using a very light touch at 30 degrees. My prep is very extensive. I’ve read up on nearly all of the literature posted for download on the site, and scoured hundreds of previous posts.

My shaves have been getting better and better; and my skin irritation has gone down significantly (especially compared to the electric or mach3 I was using)… but it’s still there. And so are the in-grown hairs!

I first shave with the grain, then against – and I’m careful to note the changing directions of my hair, and I move accordingly… stretching the skin all the way. If I don't shave against the grain, I cannot get a close shave. I can’t get a perfect shave with a straight razor just yet, but can get most areas, and finish with a touch-up with a mach3. Once I’m done shaving, my face looks pretty good… doesn’t look too irritated; it’s only a few days later that it starts getting annoying – when the hair starts to grow back..

Under my lip and on my neck, I get little white-head pimples JUST while the hair is growing back after being shaved; and they go away 3-4 days after the shave. I think this has something to do with cutting the hair the wrong way, and having it grow back all mucked up. After this, I have tons of in-grown hairs.

I've been exfoliating everynight to remove dead skin, and moisturizing (because I have very dry skin), but it hasn't been taking care of it.

What should I do?

I’ve got sensitive skin and thick curly hair… forgive me!