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07-27-2009, 02:33 AM #11
I'd like to echo some of what is said here. You take a risk. I'm sure all of the experienced honers here will tell you that just because it's "new" doesn't mean that the blade is necessarily good, nevermind sharp or shave ready. Rest assured that a reputable retailer that hones blades for free before shipping first checks to see if the blade is warped. I'm not saying this one is warped but there's a risk to purchasing something by picture only. It may be a great deal and it may be absolutely perfect. However, if I'm plunking down $100+ for a razor (and this is an auction, it may go MUCH higher), I'm buying it from a reputable dealer that I find on this board (and so far, I've had nothing but good things to say about SRD and ShavingShop). I'm not trying to scare you away, but $100+ is serious coin for a first time purchase.
Since you've never used a straight before and may wind up spending a lot on this auction, check out SRD. Send an e-mail to Lynn and Don and they will give you an honest answer about a good straight razor to start out with.
My experience with my first brand new razor from AOS was a little disappointing. The razor was new and the shave was.......harsh. I sent it out to Lynn for honing and it came back and the difference was enough to make me pause and say, "whoa!" after only one pass on one cheek. I spent $175 on that razor and I might have given up on straights after a few shaves with that rock if I hadn't come here for some advice and had someone work a little magic.
Ebay is great.....but be careful. I've purchased several razors (won 2 today); some great, some not so great. I've spent about $100 on 4 total duds and about 20 disposable blade holders (total rookie mistake on the blade holders
).......and that $100 could have bought me a new shave ready razor or the cash could have gone in my hidden future Mastro Livi purchase cash shoe box that my wife has no idea about
You also can't go wrong with the classifieds here. If you open up the page, you'll almost always find someone viewing the razors. Tons of great deals to be had there......and there's rules about posting there. None of the people that post there are going to sell junk because I'm sure they'd be banned in a heartbeat if they did. The sellers will most likely e-mail you with answers to questions you have.
Good luck with the auction, I hope you win and are happy with the purchase!