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  1. #1
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Blasted Eye Glasses


    Even though I have refused to budge from age 27 for several decades now, my eyes, unfortunately, have not. Now I find myself forced to wear reading glasses while shaving.

    With double edge razors this is a little problem. With straight razors, however, with all the stretching, tugging and pulling, especially around the temples, the blasted eye glasses get in the way and become a big problem.

    Today for the first time I lost the eye battle and wore my reading glasses while shaving straight. It was most awkward. What do you four-eyed gentlemen do to make life easier when shaving straight? Your thoughts will help.

    Many thanks and regards,

    Obie, the four-eyed straight razor commando.

  2. #2
    The straight road. Bigbee's Avatar
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    I don't wear eye glasses, but one thought cam to mind. If your out at the mall you may want to experiment with one of the portable 2 sided mirror's where one side is magnified. This may give you better visibility without use of your specs. Just a suggestion

  3. #3
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Nobody can call me 4 eyes, 3 eyes maybe, but certainly not 4 lol. Fortunately my sight is great up close, I can read smaller print sans glasses than I can with, however, I think the magnified mirror would be the ticket. I'm not sure where you could buy one, but they used to have the ones that hang around your neck. You wouldn't have to hang it from your neck, maybe the shower head or a hook on the wall.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I wear bifocals but fortunately for me I can and do shave without them. I guess it will depend on each individuals visual acuity.
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  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When you really think about it most of your shaving is done by feel. we used to have or maybe still do have a member who is legally or totally blind and uses a straight. I wear glasses and don't use them for shaving however my eyesight ain't that bad.

    Try and shave part of your face with you eyes closed and you'll see what I mean. I've tried it with no mishaps but if you cut yourself I'll deny I told you to do it and this post will self destruct in 72 hours.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth spazola's Avatar
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    I wear glasses when shaving the stretching does not bother me, when I do the over the head with the opposite arm stretch.

    The place where the glasses is a problem for me is where I have hair growing underneath the lens. I shave as best I can below the the lens then I do a few carefull up-strokes ATG to get the remaining hairs that are beneath the lens. To sum it up I do an all over pass then do cleanup ATG to get the straglers that are underneath my glasses.

    Four Eyed Charlie

  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I take my glasses off when I'm not wearing contacts. A magnifying mirror on an extension arm to bring it very close to my face is also quite useful.


  8. #8
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Blasted Eye Glasses


    Thank you for your thoughts and ideas. They are useful.


  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    I wear bifocals and had the same problem you have. After you get used to straight shaving you will find that a lot is done by feel. If you can see your ear, nose and chin w/o glasses you may be able to progress to this level of shaving. The only time I put my glasses on is when I trim around my mustache. W/o the glasses I would trim it to non existence.

    Good luck.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  10. #10
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    If I don't wear my contacts or glasses when I shave the scales hit the mirror when I'm trying to see what I'm doing. I wear contacts throughout the week and glasses on the weeken. The glasses don't really get in the way during the shave except for beside my ear. At this place I need to use a heal first sything motion.

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