
I heat my Georgetown scuttle with boiling water from the tea kettle. I have plenty of hot water in the faucet, but somehow it pleases me to think the Charles Dickens might have heated his scuttle with boiling water from the tea kettle.

By the time I head for the shower, the water has cooled off slightly so that I can safely soak my brush without boiling it. When ready to lather, the brush is pleasantly warm. A couple of shakes and a few swirls on the soap in a shave mug or a dab or two of rich shave cream from a tub of Taylor of Old Bond Street Rose, Trumper or Truefitt & Hill, and I lather directly onto the face.

Finally, I refill the scuttle tank with boiling hot water and park my soap-rich brush in the scuttle bowl to keep it warm between razor passes.

Is this heaven or what?
