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  1. #1
    Certifiable bbshriver's Avatar
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    Default Different razors for different days??

    No, this has nothing to do with 7 day sets or anything. I just experienced something strange recently.

    I have 3 razors
    Case with a square tip, and I believe full hollow grind
    Loxley "smile" heavy, but says it's "Gentleman's hollow ground razor"
    Mack that's got a really tiny blade, cut short at the end and years of hone wear

    For some reason even after several attempts at honing the Case has never been great. Usually I shave with the Loxley and touch up or difficult to get to areas with the Mack (Loxley is a huge blade and not good for tight spots). I honed all 3 recently, but I don't think I got the Loxley quite right (smile makes it a little more difficult) and had actually gone back to my "Fusion" (please don't hang me!), as I just didn't have time to try to address the honing on the Loxley. But a few nights ago I just decided to give the Case a go, and ran a few passes on my CrO leather hone, then regular strop and it was great!

    It was so strange because overall I wouldn't say I've gotten great shaves with that, but now I've done a few and it's pretty good. I've experienced this before where it would seem a certain razor would be "off" for a few days, but then later it would be fine. Anybody have some clues of what's going on here? The obvious answer is that I'm doing a better job honing and stropping the Case than I had before, and a worse job with the Loxley. Just curious.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    No I haven't noticed that. I rotate alot of razors and they all shave the way each one performs until they need a touchup. maybe your not stropping consistantly so there is some degradation from time to time in using the razor and the next time better stropping brings it back. Just a thought.

    Somtimes you will get a rough shave after stropping with say .25 diamond but that's only for a couple shaves and then it settles down.

    Case made great razors so once properly honed it should perform great.
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  3. #3
    Certifiable bbshriver's Avatar
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    That's kind of what I was expecting, I've been working on my stropping technique. Just seems that when I tried the Case right after it's most recent honing it wasn't too great, after sitting for a while it was better. Stropping is definitely a variable though

  4. #4
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    Some razors just behave differently and you have to figure it out. I have four and all require something a little different in their care. I do like the variety and variations though.

    Good Luck,


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbshriver View Post
    The obvious answer is that I'm doing a better job honing and stropping the Case than I had before, and a worse job with the Loxley. Just curious.
    Another 'obvious answer' would be the variable with the greatest change - you.

    If the edge deteriorates fast, it was probably the razor, if it lasts it was probably all in your head.

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